• To be fair it was just one study made by some fellow Danes… We’re known for being drunk at all times haha. Jk. But yeah its one single study and I know it’s been contested by other people in the field. Not saying the Barbie movie deserves so much attention, but then again I wouldn’t know since I haven’t seen it. Or read any of the articles about it. It’s just not something that piques my interest.

  •  echo   ( @echo@sopuli.xyz ) 
    1811 months ago

    what news are you reading? I’ve seen outlets post like a review of Barbie and maybe an article about its box office success. It’s definitely not taking over their coverage of other stuff.

    • That is such a non-story, too. I followed this when it first came to light back in June. r/UFOs hit the front page of reddit, and it was some “big news” that was forthcoming as reported by The Debrief. They ran like a several minute teaser for what was supposed to be an hours-long interview, and it turned out Grusch is just another “trust me bro, there’s aliens” “whistleblower.” There is no evidence in sight, as much as I wish there were.

      • They held that hearing the same time as another hearing of Ukrainians asking for aid. The scheduling of the UFO hearing was very much on purpose in my estimation. It’s a distraction. They’re only hearing it out because it can eat up news cycles like this. None of those Congress people actually think there’s anything to be learned

        • … Huh. Shit. That would explain why Gaetz and his compatriots, in every source I’ve read, seemed unusually adamant on dragging it out and demanding investigation. Delay or hide the meaningful discussion that may negatively impact their potential benefactors, as one of their goals is to deny or lessen aid to Ukraine.
          That’s some interesting insight. Thanks.

      • I’m not 100% what you guys are talking about, but i assume it was some crackhead saying that the american government has an alien body or something. As far as I am concerned, I doubt we’ll ever actually see any aliens, if they exist (and I believe they do). There is simply too much space for any alien critters to have contact with any other alien critters, or us. It’s just too empty and vast.

        • It’s actually a higher-up military intelligence officer (Grusch) and two pilots (forget their names but they’re the fighter pilots that detected and pursued the alleged “Tic-Tac” UFO) that are undergoing a congressional hearing. Like, the entirety of Congress has convened to hear what these guys have to say.
          The apparent reason why there’s no hard evidence being presented, or why Grusch isn’t going into more detail, is because the meeting is not secure. Hence why all the major news outlets are reporting on it.
          That being said, if you’re not going to be a real whistleblower, like Snowden was, knowing you’re under threat of persecution or prosecution and willing to accept those consequences, why even open your mouth when you can’t give Congress the information they’re expecting?
          That’s why it stinks like bullshit to me. That’s why I maintain this is another “trust me, aliens” bro.

      • A lot of the proof is classified so he’s only able to tell it to members of Congress with the proper security clearance. That’s just the shitty way the US government is run, we’re not allowed to know anything.