•  nyan   ( @nyan@lemmy.cafe ) 
    1111 months ago

    Jordan’s Wheel of Time. Inside that massive stack of dead trees I think there might be a pretty decent trilogy struggling to get out, but I wasn’t willing to read the rest of the stuff in order to find it. Dropped it somewhere around book four or five and never looked back.

      • We’ll have to agree to disagree on that. I don’t consider “long” to be either necessary or sufficient for something to be “epic”—long is just, well, long. When a narrative with a single continuous plot gets longer than half a million words, I start to suspect it needs a better editor. When it passes a million, I know it does. There were rumours as early as the publication of the third book that Jordan was padding the thing out in order to keep his cash cow going.

        (Expecting more downvotes from this, so don’t be shy—I can take it.)

        • He is excessively wordy, I can agree on that, especially when it comes to describing women’s clothing. But the story itself and the world he created are also epic achievements. I think more people would get to experience the latter if he hadn’t done the former.

  • Malazan probably. So many people love it, and it looked like something I’d like, I even had a friend also reading it with me. I wanted to like it so much. After one and half books, I realized I couldn’t care less about what happened to any of the characters and I didn’t understand anything about the magic stuff, so I stopped reading.

  • Basically, title. On my side, it might be unpopular, but I was quite disappointed with the Mistborn Trilogy. The world is interesting, I like the concepts, but I could just not connect with the characters? I finished the first book and started the second but could not finish it.

  • I suppose it is the 3rd book in the Seeker series. The 2nd one was already not great, but the 3rd was an incomprehensible piece of trash, a waste of paper and ink. I have never read something so bad, before or after. Goodkind is crystal clear when writing out his rape fantasies, and blabbers incoherently for every other part of the book. I strongly dislike rape and torture themes, so there was nothing of value in the book for me. Years later when I read the Wheel of Time series, I discovered that Goodkind stole all of his ideas from Robert Jordan and then made them significantly worse. What a hack.

  •  blueson   ( @blueson@feddit.nu ) 
    11 months ago

    Wise mans fear. Jesus christ what a trainwreck.

    Name of the wind has a lot of issues as well, but god damn I was hooked!

    I am not even sad that the third book is probably never coming out, the second book killed all my interest.

  • Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. It just did not resonate with me in February slightest and didn’t get enjoyable until the final few chapters. I can appreciate it from a literary standpoint. The prose is lovely and the tone is spot on for what she was trying to achieve, but my goodness did I feel annoyed while making my way through it.

  • The Night Angel trilogy. I got about half way into the 3rd book and realized I was just forcing myself to read it. The characters sucks. The MC was either OP or didn’t know wtf to do. The authors description of women is mildly sexist. Every girl was some bombshell or ugly as a foot and their only relevance was to be some kind of sex symbol. The book series seems like a neckbeard’s paradise

    • I felt a bit similar with The Lightbringer, just started book 3 couple of weeks back, I was enjoying the book when I was reading, but when I wasn’t reading, I didn’t want to start reading it. So, taking a break from the series, and reading some other books in the mean time. Will try to get back to it in a few months.

  • Two I have to mention

    The first book of Anthony Ryan’s Raven’s Shadow trilogy, Blood Song, is one of my favorite fantasy books. I just really liked it. The second book was OK, the third was an absolute train wreck. I would have preferred it to be unfinished. Huge disappointment for me.

    The Lightbringer series by Brent weeks started off strong. The Black Prism was great in the magic system seemed unique. Second book was OK, good enough I was looking forward just enough to finish the trilogy. Then the third book didn’t finish, so I figured he just stretched out the series to milk a few more dollars from the idea. Then the fourth was similar. I couldn’t bring myself to care about the next book. Big disappointment.

    HONORABLE MENTION: WoT. Made it to book 6 or 7 both times I’ve tried to read through them. Then the characters, the writing, everything, just starts to piss me off.

    • I am currently at Book 3 of Lightbringer, and feeling the same. Currently taking a break, will try to get back to it in a few months and see if I want to finish it or not.

      Well, book 8-10 are considered to be a slog, IIRC, or was it 7-9? Well, something like that.