I had fun playing it on PC, but the game is just that much more fun and immersive on the Deck. I’d say it’s the first game where I’ve noticed a big difference since I got my Deck last week.

On the other hand, I found Slay the Spire to be better on PC. The controls and smaller screen seem to get in the way a little bit more.

Any other suggestions for games that really shine on the Deck vs PC?

  • Fallout: New Vegas looks great on a small screen and runs really well on the Deck. I found it to look really dated on a larger screen, but not so much on the Deck. It’s also not very demanding, so easy on the battery

  • Any Metroidvania is great. Almost any 2d game is great. Newer intensive 3d games are nice but the battery goes quick.

    The only issues I’ve had with the hardware is the pointer finger placements for the triggers are hard to use both on the same side if you use a game that makes use of both a lot.

    I do wish I waited a year for summer sale though. The 20% discount on the antiglare screen would’ve been cheaper than the mid tier I bought. I game way more outside now though with my toddler son when he plays in the yard. The mirror reflection is killer sometimes.

  • i too enjoy top-down action games on the deck. I’ve have good results with The Ascent, Hades, and the Hotline Miami games. I think Ruiner will be good but haven’t tried it on the deck yet.

    i also love the retro 2d beat 'em ups like Streets of Rage 4 and TMNT: Shedder’s Revenge. Caveat: while good on the small screen i mainly did both with a group doing using local multiplayer on the TV. And we all used steam controllers because i am among the dozens who love those. put it all together and it’s like having a steam console.