Not going to describe how I would’ve tried to pronounce it…
Neotecha (She/her) ( ) 12•2 years agoWhen I read Hitchhiker’s Guide, I pronounced it b’tell-jew-EEss
There’s a thought that:
Never make fun of people for mispronouncing a word. It means they learned it by reading
Best I understand, this is a quote without a known attribution
I love that! Also the xkcd about being 1 of 10,000 people to learn something :)
Faceman🇦🇺 ( ) 9•2 years agocolloquially it might be beetlejuice, but traditionally it’s more like betelgyse or betelgoosa
kristian ( ) English3•2 years agolike betelgyse
Yeah I remember Patrick Moore always pronouncing it like that (with a hard g).
Although Wikipedia suggests that the name originally comes from the Arabic for Orion, al-Jauzā’, so the colloquial pronunciation is probably more correct.
Okay well that’s reassuring as that’s how I was pronouncing it in my head!
MajorMajormajormajor ( ) 3•2 years agoDon’t say Beytelgyoose three times in the mirror…
Uriel-238 ( ) 3•2 years agoMy dad was an astronomer, and as a toddler I thought it was the funniest name for a star. Then the movie came out and I was bugged that they misspelled the name for the promotional posters (but not in the movie itself).
aprilfollies ( ) 2•2 years agoIt’s even more fun to look up the origins of the name - “hand/arm of the central one”. E.g.
macniel ( ) 1•2 years agoBut only in English. In German though… it’s very strangely pronounced. Beite-zeus (but the z is soft)