• Their marketing was just awful. I wanted this game so badly, and was very excited when it was announced. But after the issues with TLOU, waiting for reviews was critical. And even a day after it launched, I couldn’t find complete reviews, presumably because they didn’t give out review copies before it launched. I shrugged and moved on. I’ll get it on the cheap in a year or two. I have a long enough backlog anyway right now. I want to support Sony here so we get more ports, but they have to be quality ports. I’m not going to buy garbage.

      • Yeah I’m guessing that the people who loved it the most probably already had a PS and played it there.

        I do like seeing former PS exclusives combing to PC. I played through the FFVII remake on PC and will happily order ep2 when it comes. I’m looking at picking up TLOU when I’m done my current game (and if it comes on sale), plus maybe Uncharted if the price is right, but price is a consideration and the type of person likely to throw $80 on a new game probably already got it elsewhere.