Apparently, the best way for people to have more kids is for governments to jack up social spending and respect family choices

  • An article about population decline on a website literally called “Stop Population Decline” doesn’t give me the impression it’ll be fully balanced and unbiased.

    •  luciole   ( ) 
      11 months ago

      Why does it make it dubious that the subject of a website is in its name? What if a website called “Stop Food Waste” takes about food waste?

      I read the article and I encourage you to do the same if you did not already.

      TLDR: addressing the gender wage gap, stronger public services and better parental leave for mothers and fathers seems to boost fertility rates. The prose is a little strange as if written by someone whose english is not their first language, but who am I to judge lol

      • Why does it make it dubious that the subject of a website is in its name? What if a website called “Stop Food Waste” takes about food waste?

        Um, because they already have a clear agenda? They could be likely to be selective with their sources, not report on things that go against their view, etc.

        I read the article and I encourage you to do the same if you did not already.

        I read the article, thank you.

  • It’s no freaking mystery anywhere. Kids are too damn expensive because just living is too damn expensive. The real fix is massive land reform that absolutely murders the real estate bubble with a nuclear bomb. Regulate the availability of funds directly to the minimum wage. You work, you live a decent life with a good balance. Build dense housing with tight local communities and perfect transportation so we’re always in contact with people in our communities. Babies will be popping up like weeds.

    An article about one of the poorest European countries is not really relevant. They don’t have the same zoning stagnation nonsense that makes housing unaffordable. The stupid incentives that exploded home loan amounts combined with 100 years without zoning reforms are the problem.

  • Here in America we’re fighting fertility decline with anti abortion laws, forcing poor young people to carry to term when if they could afford to they would travel to another state or country to have the procedure. Thus creating another generation of people born into poverty and mentally prepared to work for peanuts for their betters.