(The Legendary) Buck 65 has just released Drum Study 1, 2, and 3

This coming Friday (August 4) is a Bandcamp Friday. I have made the decision to share the work I’ve been doing for all these years. I’ll be uploading three hour-long (roughly) mega-compositions that include all the work I’ve done so far. They won’t be like anything you’ve heard before. Together, it’s an unrelenting sonic onslaught. It’s a walk across hot coals. It’s Saint Anthony’s journey across the desert. I don’t know if it will mean anything to anyone else but it means everything to me. If you can handle it, I hope you enjoy. If you listen close, you’ll hear lots of little ideas that were later re-purposed for parts on King Of Drums and Super Dope.[1]




  1. https://buck65.substack.com/p/bikes-and-breaks ↩︎