•  coolin   ( @coolin@beehaw.org ) 
        21 year ago

        Ban cars is a lot like saying defund the police

        It makes a whole lot of sense when you stop and examine the reasoning, but it masks the wide reaching social and infrastructure reforms needed to accomplish it with a short meme that people misinterpret.

      • You’re not wrong. I should say more than that. Cars are a systemic issue that has seeped it’s way into every aspect of society here in the US. Everything is really far apart and outside of major cities there is no public transit that is quick and reliable so the only way to get around is to drive. Now everyone needs to buy and maintain a large vehicle. It’s expensive and takes up a lot of space in an extremely inefficient way. So inefficient that no highway could ever dream of transporting as many passengers as a single bus or train. The expense disproportionately effects poor people as the cost of a car doesn’t go down and just takes up a higher percentage of your income. Essentially being the reason you can’t ever save money and simultaneously the only thing bringing money in.

        Don’t forget about the climate effect it causes, and electric cars only sort of help.

    • Also overlapped with the people who think that if you miss your exit, the correct response is to swerve across four lanes of traffic and across road markings, so that you don’t have to just go one stop further and turn around.

  • I feel the lack of signal use is thinking you’ll be doing something quickly and you don’t see anyone where you’ll be turning. That’s also exactly why we need to be signing though.

  • The smart turn signal is a good idea, when I first read it I thought it would be an automatic thing based on where the vehicle wheels are positioned but it looks to just be an audible and visual reminder. That’s still cool, I think annoying people has proven a pretty good way to get them to do something.