• This article is really not convincing.

      like, fuck terfs, fuck the anti-trans movement, but the connection between the anti-trans movement and fascism is framed in this suuuuper abstract way that no meaningful definition of fascism would allow. It kind of just makes fascism sound like “statism.”

      There are plenty of terfs (again, fuck terfs) who are not calling for government action, but trying to exclude trans women from feminist spaces on non-governmental levels, arguing for a limiting social or academic definition of feminism or of a woman and holding exclusionary events. Fascism is an incorrect label for that behavior.

      Furthermore, to call terfs fascists implies that they are generally for other things fascists are for, like a command economy, which I don’t think is common.

      And to be clear, there is an overlap between terfs and fascists, and an even bigger overlap between anti-trans people in general and fascists. We all know the Nazis fucked up a lot of good gender research, but they were never pretending to be feminists.

            • that’s literally the first article you linked to. Do you have a point at all? You can link to articles all day, but only two of them, and only one that argues for your point at all, which I’ve already addressed?

              I’m not advocating for terfs or fascists, they’re both villains, but to say they’re the same is like saying the KKK and the muslim brotherhood are the same. Just because they’re both evil and there are some common threads between their ideas doesn’t mean they’re the same. I think we should learn how to talk about the terrible groups out there instead of just equating all of them and dancing around our own ignorance. I’m not advocating them, I’m advocating against them as strongly as I can, and you’re promoting ignorance instead of responding to the one damn point I’ve made.

                • I read it, and responded to it. You’ve been ignoring my response because you don’t have an answer to it. So again. The core argument that terfs are fascists is:

                  To that end, Butler does a good job of laying out that the anti-trans movement ultimately is about strengthening government oversight — restricting access to medical care and generally seeking to ban LGBTQ+ people from the public sphere, which fits pretty neatly into just about every standard definition of fascism. That includes gender critical feminists, the self-professed “leftist” equivalent of the more extreme right-wing fundamentalists.

                  Which, again:

                  • Pretends the entire social-focused aspect of the anti-trans movement doesn’t exist, when it obviously does, and there are obviously many, many terfs focused on non-governmental oppression. The article itself describes governmental forms of oppression, but this does nothing to imply that the anti-trans movement is actually all about focusing on government oppression
                  • identifies an extremely superficial relationship between two positions as both being statist and therefore being the same. The police state is also about increasing government oversight. A command economy is about increasing government oversight. The founding of the CFPB was about increasing government oversight. Having courts is about increasing government oversight. These are not all forms of fascism.
                  • fails to describe fascism at all. Fascism is a specific thing with a specific definition, it’s not just the idea of having an active government. Fascism is a form of nationalism with a dictatorial government, a strong military focus, a hard command economy that exists to support the state and the military, expansionist policies, suppression of opposition to the government, denigration of the individual in favor of the collective in the form of the state… Now, the terf movement, overall, is doing some of those things, but the article doesn’t reference any of them.
                  • fails to establish that most terfs, or the core proponents of the terf movement, or terfs in general, are fascists, let alone that a terf is categorically a type of fascists.

                  If you have a point, then instead of linking to the same article again or linking article that isn’t about fascism, please make your point.

    • I’ve already sent him a PM about that user & magazine a while ago. Still waiting and hoping to hear / see something.

      Edit: I also think this is kinda disappointing. Kbin immediately defederated from nsfwlemmy over some bullshit allegations that weren’t even true. Meanwhile this and other examples of toxicity remain to fester directly on this instance.

      • I sent him one a few months ago, and it was gone within a few hours. I think he cares, but is swamped and probably gets a ton of BS.

        It needs to be acted on though. We don’t want this to become a nazi bar. I hope he can figure out a way to share the load sometime soon.

        • Any time I tried to get someone to check out Reddit, I hated having to preface it with, oh and you’re going to want to block these 30 subs, they’re horrible, and here’s another 100 that are kinda gross, I’ll email you my list…

          There’s stuff to block, but there’s stuff that should be banned too. I remember recommending some of the SQL reddits to coworkers just weeks before the jailbait crap hit the national news. It’s up to ernest how he wants to run this place, but I hope we don’t let the bar go too low.

  • I tried to report this magazine using the “contact” page a while back as it violates the kbin.social terms of service, but I guess as long as it’s only one nutjob posting and all the posts are getting disliked, it isn’t really a priority to remove.

      • I also definitely feel like it’s best to take more decisive action against hateful magazines, but I’m just assuming that this is @ernest’s logic: That people can block or clown on bigots until the bigots feel unwelcome, grow bored at the lack of an audience, and leave.

        I’ve personally been thinking of migrating to Blåhaj Lemmy because of the inadequate moderation against hateful magazines on this instance, but I’m waiting to see how kbin.social’s administration approach goes long-term. I think it would definitely be worthwhile for Ernest to invest in a bigger admin team and a more democratic approach to administration.

  • Ugh, and 10A somehow also hasn’t been banned yet (and a quick check to his profile shows that he isn’t just still making bad-faith arguments about “free speech” but is also still spreading xenophobia, fake news about the last election, and so on).

    I’m out. Anyone know of a kbin (not lemmy) instance with reasonably good moderation?

  • The magazine name is Modern Misogyny and rule 1 is “No bigotry - misogyny…”.
    That is like dividing by zero.

    Right now, it appears to exist only with one user posting to himself. It is not a big problem. However, if you don’t clean these things up quickly, you end up with a Nazi bar. Voat started out very Libertarian, but by the time it closed, its front page was dominated by hard-core antisemitism, it literally became a Nazi hang-out. Tolerance of intolerance ends up allowing the intolerance to spread and become the majority. kbin.social can not end up like that.

    • Im a former right wing libertarian. The kind of libertarian that voat was. I left because I looked around the libertarian communities I was in and realized I was the only one there who wasn’t anti semitic. You say it started libertarian and became Nazi. Right wing libertarianism IS nazism. They took the good ideas of real libertarianism (left libertarian, anarchism) and layered on shitty capitalism and other fucked up beliefs such as antisemitism and racism. Voat didn’t become Nazi it was always Nazi. Founded because groups like fatpeoplehate and other fucked up subs got banned.

  • How does one report a magazine and/or a user? I presume reporting posts in that magazine will just go to the bigoted owner, so no help there.

    I don’t want to just block them, I want to know when they’re pushing their bigotry somewhere.