• “Save the children is basically a generic statement obviously,” lead convoy organizer Gordon Berry told PressProgress. “There’s a multitude of things you could be saving them from.”

    Berry says the convoy wants to save children from the “human trafficking industry,” but also from “mandating the shots to kids and kids getting sick and frigging education and all the stuff they’re teaching them in schools and the trans agenda and the math agenda, gender dysphoria – all of these things.”

    Oh, so it’s mostly about being an anti-LGTBQ and education hate parade, with some flat earth and anti vax thrown in.

    “Trudeau’s paying LGBTQ a million dollars”

    Does he think LGTBQ is like a company or secret society or something?!

    “You got to save them from the whole system.”

    I can understand where he’s coming from here, the system clearly failed him.

    • Sure, I understand that the system failed him, or at least failed someone close to him. But what he’s doing is just generally raging against the leaders and using random excuses to justify causing chaos.

      There’s no focus, no message. No way for anybody to respond in any way other than flat out rejection. How can you respond to something like this if when you try, it’s like “okay, I understand this this this, and this. But this one and these three others are unacceptable to us. But then there’s another sixteen that we can talk about. Please give us your side of the story and we can continue from there.” How do you form a conversation with that?

      Not to mention that he’s trying to gather people from the widest spectrum he can, each with a different grievance. How do you talk when you have a dozen “I won’t budge on this one thing” when each one thing is something different? Just like the previous convoy, it’s just plain civil disobedience for the sake of letting out steam, no actual attempt at making change.

  • The convoy’s private Facebook group, which coun nearly 300 members, indicates that it is focused on issues like pedophilia, child trafficking, grooming and indoctrination.

    Funny, they NEVER protest against churches. Why is that?

    • I’ve always found it funny that the reason why science fiction and fantasy villains are almost always such lackluster characters is because science fiction and fantasy writers have to stick within the realm of plausibility whereas real life villains are not hampered by such trivialities.

      Your sci-fi villain has to have a tragic backstory where he’s using the power of the universe killing machine to bring back his dead girlfriend or something.

      In contrast, your real life villain is organizing a civil war militia to protect himself from enemies that he imagines existing somewhere even though he has no proof whatsoever, and all over the Western world people are proudly following these nut bags and even buying the merch.

      • In the real world the biggest villains actually believe that they are good, and they use that belief to justify that everything they do, even bad things, are done in the pursuit of good. They are convinced that they are doing good and that they are pure, good people, and they don’t ever feel bad.

        Villains aren’t like some Joker, or Dr. Evil. They are culty and give themselves a license to control and harm other people.

        • It’s the same thing with the rich and powerful. Most rich and powerful people believe they got to that position because of their inherent worth, either their genius or their accomplishments or as being good stewards of their birthright if they were born wealthy.

          These people have a reason to not hear what other people say when people tell them that what they are doing is amoral at best and immoral at worst. They take it as a personal attack on their self-esteem and their self worth rather than as an attempt to begin fixing the larger societal problems that their current position is capable of fixing.

          Elon musk doesn’t have to be a nut job. He doesn’t have to destroy the conversational communal meeting place of a billion people to be someone of note. He’s doing it because he thinks he can do it better and that all of us idiot plebeians will just follow along once he sets the path.

          The fact that this will have in the process destroyed the ability for people across the planet to coordinate against despotic government systems in the process is not important because that would mean that Elon did a bad thing, and that would make Elon feel bad so it’s just not even going to be considered.

    • I feel like many of these people are at that point where they’re trying to make themselves into a hero to shore up all of the other fundamental deficits they have in their character.

      One thing that I realized when I was going through mental health issues of my own was that a lot of the core of my issues centered around wanting to be someone who was important, a hero, someone that saved other people and for me that boiled down to acting like I already was the hero and doing things that I thought of hero would do like pointlessly sacrificing my opportunities for other people who did not appreciate me or attach any meaning to it.

      I realized that once you’re smart enough to start meta-analyzing your own life, there is a trap for you and that trap is your internal need for importance.

      When you base all of your thinking around that, making yourself into the hero of your own life, then that thinking will cause you and more importantly , the people around you, so much grief.

      My only saving grace was that I couldn’t convince other people to go along with my self-appointed hero worship. I imagine if I had I might have ended up just like them so really it was my own lack of charisma that was my salvation I guess.

      • I hear ya, looking back I think went thru a similar thing in my 20s so I can understand that feeling.

        It must be hard to dig out of if you’re surrounded by a bunch of people who are buying in or supporting that behavior

  • These people are literally a herd of cats in a room with a laser pointer pointed at a disco globe.

    My mother is a conspiracy theory sucker. Being isolated during the pandemic with her idiot boyfriend literally spun her around from being a compassionate intelligent woman who ran her own successful business for over a decade to literally being afraid of everything and everyone.

  • “Save the Children” has been considered the cry of people that can’t put forth a reasonable argument for the thing they want for decades. Right up there with the people that like exclaiming “muh rights” and then either complain about something that’s never been a right, or immediately following up by trying to remove other people’s rights. I feel like using “save the children”(or similar variations) is a pretty good indication that I’m not going to agree with most of what follows.

  •  tezoatlipoca   ( @tezoatlipoca@lemmy.ca ) 
    11 months ago

    “Get up off your god damned couch and show some passion for this country and some passion for the children that don’t have a voice, they get kidnapped, thrown in a railcar,” McDavid told viewers of one recent TikTok video, adding that children are being “tortured, hunted down like animals by – not the elites – by the degenerates on horseback.”

    Oh man, I thought we outlawed organized small children hunts. Those bourgeoise snobs in their red coats and riding britches.

    Also, where would one get a railcar of children. Is that what the “Dark Web” is for?

    • As a unit of measurement for harvested children, a railcar is called a railcar for historical reasons. The other unit of measurement, of course, is grade. For grade “A” children – that is, your children of indebted or disgraced public figures – you’re talking about 100 kids/railcar on most dark web markets.

      You can get more if you settle for lower grades, say if you’re using them for research or food as opposed to labour or ritual.

  • My fucking father in law is gonna eat this shit up. We’re going out to his family gathering next weekend and my son has a really cute rainbow and pink outfit he’s been dying to show off. For context, this extended family has an ex-in law who came out as trans and whom they violently hate, so my kiddo won’t be exposed to them too much as he grow up. Alas, the old G-pa in law doesn’t have much longer so we gotta go hang out with peeps.