Like, for anything.

I use my local library digital catalog nearly every day.

  • The digital catalog is always my first stop when looking for a book to read!

    Libby lives on the first page of my home screen - and I often will put something on hold, completely forget about it, and then 5-6 weeks later it pops up. It’s like a little Christmas present!

  • Pre-internet-as-now, when I was in high school around the millennium, I had two library cards at my local library - they fudged for me so I could reserve more books on inter-library-loan.

    I was checking out my max books (5) every other day. I walked everywhere and hauled the books to school (12 blocks), then walked to the library after school (6 blocks not toward home) to swap them.

    The librarians used to ask me for recommendations because I was going through them so fast and focused mostly on sci-if/fantasy, which wasn’t what they themselves were reading. I loved talking to them about books.

    I haven’t been to a library in many years because my life has changed a lot, and also because I have 180k ebooks on my tablet, which is more than I could get through in my life even if I read one a day, which I can’t.

    But it’s no fun to read shit I downloaded a decade ago, so when 02OCT hits, I plan to go hit up my local library to volunteer, I’ll have time and I need a change of pace.

  • You make me feel guilty! In my home town, I used to go at least once a month, often more, on the way back from university. But I moved two years ago, and now I leave in a country I don’t really speak the language of, so going to the library seems pointless. I still haven’t checked it out.

  • Hmmm…I use a meeting room about once a year. My wife otoh checks out books (physical and digital) at least a couple of times a month.

    Before the internet I’d go to the library all the time. Now, most of what I’m looking for is on line, and if it isn’t, it’s never in my local library. Then again, most of what I look up is pretty boring; I wouldn’t stock it in a local library if I were a librarian either.

  • i use our local library rarely, i think. i can say “very unusual”.

    when i was at middle school and university, i use the schools library almost every day.

    but now i have more chance to read online. so i do not often go to local library.