It seems like its rating been bombed by people disliking the feminism themes, but I’m curious, have you watched it? do you recommend it?

  • I gave the first episode a watch, and it most certainly puts politics at the front and creates a show around it. The animation is fine, but I’m pretty sure every joke is based around social issues in general, not just feminism. Honestly, this is not my type of cartoon since I like a good story to be the foundation of a show. But the first episode is free and you will most certainly know if you like it within the first 3 mins. This show isn’t subtle.

  •  Rin   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    I completely forgot about this show lol

    I saw some clips and the pilot when it was first making its rounds and thought it looked like trash, but awful shows will always be a thing (especially from SyFy), and the people who were flipping out over “DA ES JAY DOUBLE YOUS TAKING OVER ENTERTAINMET” were definitely overreacting to what I thought was just another mediocre show.