From 3.5 to 12.7 just because 1-10 is so overrated, it’s like a 6.5 out of 4.3 to 16.2.

  •  Dave   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    It seems you got picked up in lemmy.worlds All feed 😀

    We use Skinny. We got 6 months free on a 12 month contract a few years ago (still can’t believe how good of a deal that was), and haven’t found anything better since so are still with them even though it’s now up to $80 a month as of this month (for 300 down/100 up speed I think).

    I’ve been trying to find a good deal though, so if anyone has suggestions then I’m keen to hear them. Especially if there’s a good sign on deal!

    Edit: I forgot to rate. Pretty much all ISPs are the same so I’ll give them a 9.6 out of 12.7.

    • I was with Bigpipe (another Telecom/Spark MVNO if I’m not mistaken) and then switched to Slingshot, and now we have internet with our power provider (Pulse). It worked out slightly cheaper and I got a static IP + unlimited up/down.

      They’re fine, I give them a 10.2, but I haven’t had many issues so hard to say what their support is like.

      • Hmm I should check if we get a better deal with the power company. I’ve been hoping to find a good deal for signing up for a contract but they all seem to be half price for 6 months then $100 a month for the other 6 month of the contract. That’s an average of $75 a month, which is what we’d been paying as a standard price until now. Not a great deal.

  •  biddy   ( ) 
    61 year ago

    Broadband is broadband, the only relevant thing to discuss is customer service.

    Vodafone support didn’t know what port forwarding is, then told me they didn’t support it. It’s a basic function of the internet, so they definitely do. 0/x, they focus more on dumb rebranding than actually providing internet services.

      • That, is excellent customer service.

        The product is doing it’s job. They’re not bugging you trying to up sell something, or overcharging when their plan changes and leaving you on the old one. And you never have to talk to them, that, is some top notch customer service right there.

  • Skinny Broadband 900mbps. Absolutely awesome. Support via live chat, so far always someone available immediately. Such a difference with 2degrees where I would be on hold for 45+ minutes. They even at some point lowered their prices. Highly recommended.

  • The only ISP in my area is comcast and they charge me about 90 dollars a month for metered 20 MB/s down. If you call them for anything they try to put extra things on your account and if you flat out tell them no, they will ignore you and continue saying that they’re going to add the thing until you threaten them or start yelling over the phone it’s fucking insane.

    Things like TV service or a phone line or something, to be specific. The two times I’ve called, i’ve been told about hot new deals with included TV service that will be free for a month and start costing money the next. I told them no, and they go “Oh it’s free, I’m just going to add it and you can cancel it before.” Told them no, just to be told how it’s free (it isn’t) and had to get fucking mad over it. They’re so fucking awful but I’ve got no other options

  • I just moved to 2 degrees. I’d give it an 8.3 because it works fine and speeds are good. However, customer service is horrible, I had to wait an hour on hold to ask for a static ip (because cgnat) they were like “yep all good, you’ll get an email with the details” and… Nothing. Now I’ll have to go through that gauntlet again (emails appear to go unanswered)

    Generally I look for a deal on broadband compare every year and switch to whatevers cheapest. It’s all the same fibre anyway. The only one I’ve heard about being iffy on speed was Myrepublic and I think they’ve since gone kaput.

    • Same deal, never had to worry about it or think about it ever so I consider it money well spent.

      The sale to twodegrees doesn’t leave my hopeful though. Not because of twodegrees themselves, but if myrepublic found this product unsustainable I can’t see it lasting unchanged or at the same quality from it’s new owner

  • I mean fibre’s pretty solid no matter who you go through. I’m still on 2degrees after about 10 years. I don’t really need to interact with them in anyway outside of the signing up process.

    Umm, 9.2 out of 12.7. Mainly cause I don’t like how they got acquired by vocus.

  • I’m with 2degrees, currently paying $65 a month for unlimited 300/100.

    Ill give them a 10/12.7 because the customer retention department always let’s me bully them into giving me a good deal.

    Performance is great, never had an issue in the 5 years I’ve been with them.

  • Spark - 9.4 / 12.7

    Nothing wrong with the actual service itself, speed well within advertised ranges, outages are very rare.

    But on the rare occasion an outage does occur, getting in touch with their customer service is a PITA. Extremely long hold times so don’t even bother ringing them, and their chat service via their app is pretty janky - they don’t use push notifications, so you wouldn’t know when an agent has replied to you, unless you’re glued to your phone, kept your screen alive and dropped all your work. Better to use the chat feature on their website via a PC, IMO.

    Their other contact options are to use either Zuckerberg’s data harvesting apps, or a walled-garden fruity messenger. Why can’t they just use Signal (or Telegram), like civilized people?

  • 2Degrees. I’d rate them 10.4 - the connection is pretty reliable and we don’t have any trouble with multiple streaming services running at the same time. So long as you have no reason to contact them, they’re great but the moment you need assistance it turns into a real mission. They used to be really good but I guess they cut back to about two phone support people and a terrible hold playlist.

  • Bigpipe 12.5

    In the just short of 10 years I’ve been with them I can’t recall an outage (maybe one a long time ago but unsure). I’ve never had to contact them about any issues and they just stay out of the way.

    Fairly recent switch from ADSL2 to fibre was uneventful, just had to change fixed IP address (which I get free) due to IP range change. That one contact process was smooth and informative.

    I did have to ask for the SMTP port to have the filter removed when I switched to fibre - no problem and no questions asked. All online, no need to phone, with quick response.

    Can’t fault them and their price is fair for the service. $79/mnth unlimited. Cheaper on fibre than ADSL2 (-$10).

  • We’re with quic. I’d rate them 14.76 out of 19.4.

    They’re good, similar model to Bigpipe in that there’s no support team.

    Previously with Voyager, they were good but quic was gigabit for the Voyager 300/100 price. Before that Bigpipe, also good.

    Honestly, unless you have special requirements (static ip, etc.) just look for the best deal each year.