The Orange County Public Schools system in Florida has announced guidance banning trans students from bathrooms and the use of nicknames.

  • The guidance states that parents of trans students may authorise teachers to refer to their child by their chosen name, but that teachers would not be obligated to use their correct pronouns.

    They just directly admit that this has nothing to do with parent choice. Even if parents want to chose, it’s a firm “no, we will not abide.” Parents only have the “choice” to comply with the authoritarian rules. Conform with what a bunch of straight white Christian men in Jacksonville want for you or bust.

  • Banning school children from using nicknames is the most petty overreach of the “culture wars” I’ve yet seen.

    It would be funny if it weren’t for the fact it will likely cause hurt and harm to a vulnerable minority.

  • Under the guidance, published Monday (7 August), teachers at schools in Orange County must use pronouns and titles that correspond to their “biological sex” at birth, and parents must fill out a form to let teachers know of any deviation from their child’s legal name, even if this is a simple nickname.

    It means a student named Robert would need permission to go by Rob.

    The point of protesting, usually, is to inconvenience people who would not otherwise be inconvenienced by some sort of discrimination. But dang if Florida isn’t doing all the inconveniencing for us! Can’t wait for a pissed off mom who has to fill out a form for her child’s nickname they’ve used all throughout school.