• Ukraine is doing great. I know Russia is a meme, but they do have far more resources and man power. These guys are working with tech they just got trained on. Russia is well fortified. Keep in mind, the counter offensive is still developing. Often things are said publicly to skew the other side.

    • Yeah. this is still in the “probing” and “shaping” phase, the Ukrainians are launching attacks to see which bits of the front are softest and to force the Russians to commit their reserves so that when a breakthrough happens they have fewer options to respond with.

      Just today the big news was about Ukraine blowing up a vital bridge the Russians need for resupplying their lines, for example. And yesterday I was reading an interesting analysis about how the Ukrainians might actually be able to attack across the former Kakhovka reservoir now that the Russians blew up the dam and drained it. Even if they don’t do that it might make sense for them to look like they’re considering it so that the Russians have yet more front lines they need to reinforce.

      People have been spoiled by reading history books in which they can take in a summary of a years-long war in a paragraph or two, or by Desert Storm which was rather a different sort of war than this one. This offensive could take months, and it doesn’t have to have a clear “beginning” and “end” moment where one side captures a flag and declares victory over the other.

    • I would really rather that people stop dying. But that choice is entirely up to the Russians, who are the ones who started and are continuing to pursue this invasion.

      They could just go home and this would all be over. This is on them.

      • Amazing deflection of responsibility. Why are you in favor of forcing people to die for your cause? Go fight yourself.

        Then there’s the denying of reality. The Russians aren’t going to go away, even if you send in more conscripts. So the plan is what exactly? Just send in more guys (not you of course) until there’s no-one left?

        And you also pull the old kindergarten move of “they started it”, when you know damn well this shit has been brewing for a while. Heck, even if this were true, maybe some deescalation would be wise? But no matter, the other guys are 100% at fault for sure and so your hands are clean.

        • So what about the fact that

          1. the democtraticly elected government of the Ukraine is deciding to continue or surrender. Military aid is not forcing them to fight but helping then after they have decided to do so.
          2. There is little stopping Russia from attacking other regions or contries after they overtook the eastern part of Ukraine. They allready stated they see Poland and Moldova as part of the “russian world” they want to create

          I do agree that there were breaches of verbal agreements by the NATO but there is rarely a more clear aggresor than when one contry invades an other. You may now start with whataboutism, the us and all the countries they invaded but two wrongs don’t make a right

        • I also can not believe what war mongering people are doing, blaming only one side but also sending other people to die?

          Don’t Ukrainians don’t count as people who should live? What will Ukraine look like after this war? How many decades will it take for them to recover?

          And now, if you even try to mention peace, you are Putin’s shill.

          • And now, if you even try to mention peace, you are Putin’s shill.

            No, you don’t. You are Putin’s shill if you mention peace only at Russian conditions. I’d welcome a peace where Russia leaves the occupied territories forever and stops waging war, the people of Donbass, both of Russian ethnicity and Ukranian ethnicity, get more autonomy, Tatars can go back to Crimea, Russians can vote democratically and have independent media, talk and protest without going to jail and all in all live better.

            I’m against war and if everyone just lived in peace, I’d be much much happier.

            • I just thik that when you put conditions on peace, as you did, and those conditions, as we all know, are not possible (true, current wagner mutiny might and hopefully will change that), you are not really in for peace talks.

              There are reasons Russia acted this way, and thise reasons did not change, wether we agree with their (or better even, his reasoning) does not matter. Putin did what he was talking from 2014 he will do.

  • Big problem is the Russian air force has been holding off for just this moment. Low flying helicopters and drones are hard to hit and doing significant work defending the lines. It’s why we’ve seen a lot of helicopters downed in the last week too.

    Give it time, there’ll be a solution eventually.

  • Tl;dr: Not many Ukrainians want to push into a longer war in Russia, they just want to get the fuck back to “normal” and rebuild and foritfy their nation.

    I mean I understand western powers giving billions, expecting a massive push, but just hear me out…these people are fighting for their home. They don’t want to push into Russia and kill Russians or kill innocent people, their lives have been ruined already. War crimes have been committed against Ukraine, massive amounts of explosives detonated over entire cities. Land mines cover hundreds of miles by now, and Russia made sure to do as much damage as possible, long lasting damage. People will work hard and push hard, when they are in survival mode, and defending their lands is def something they are very righteously doing. Expecting them to counter attack and become the very thing they have rallied against, come on…the Western powers that “give” Aid, are going to want to make money, and a prolonged war with billions in sales of weapons, is of course what they want.

    Ukraine just wants to rebuild, fortify and make sure this shit never happens again, what they don’t want, is to go into Russia and land grab for power. It is no mystery why the counter offensive just doesn’t have the same ferocity.