Archived version:

Effective October 12, the company will raise the monthly price of its ad-free plans Disney+ and Hulu plans by more than 20%.

The Disney+ ad-free plan will rise by 27% to $13.99 a month in the US, up from $10.99. That’s double the $6.99 monthly cost Disney charged for the service when it first launched in 2019.

Hulu’s ad-free plan will increase by $3 a month, or 20%, to $17.99 a month. The ad-supported tiers for both services will remain at $7.99 each.

The price hikes come amid Disney’s continued efforts to slash $5.5 billion in costs this year.

The monthly prices of its two Hulu live TV packages will also increase by $7 each for both the ad-free plan and the ad-supported offering. ESPN+ will go up by $1 to $10.99 a month.

Additionally, Disney announced that starting September 6 subscribers in the US will have access to a new ad-free bundled subscription featuring the ad-free Disney+ and Hulu services for $19.99 a month.

  • At this point we’re just waiting for them all to implode to see which 1/2 end up sticking around for a small period of history aren’t we?

    The only reason they could breed so many was because of the sharing, with no sharing, some of those kids will need to merge or die.

    Anyway, no matter, pirate everything and anything you need. No money goes anywhere it needs to anymore, the days of any guilt are a generation old now. The artists are robots and the robots were always haptic dildos…

  •  'M' as in 'MANCY'   ( ) 
    711 months ago

    We cancelled Netflix without a second thought when the whole password sharing thing came about, and will do the same for Disney when it happens.

    Since cancelling Netflix, I got hooked up with a Plex server and honestly it’s the easiest way to sail the high seas without doing any real work. I pay something like $20/mon for IPTV and a massive Plex server and so far no complaints.

    • That is the case with me as well for Netflix, I just use it to browse anything interesting, and then proceed to pirate it.

      Disney+ has got such shoddy servers in my country that I am having to deal with pixelated content or poor audio or both even on such high broadband speeds and only my devices on the network… and it gives ads (banners, before the start of a video, in between videos, the entire 9 yards of ad integration) even tho it’s a paid account.