• It was not fabricated by the US. Full stop. It has absolutely been used as propaganda, like literally every politically charged event ever, but it actually happened and wasn’t made up. A lot of brave Chinese men and women died that day. The exact number will likely never be known because it was and is an indefensible act by the Chinese military and by extension government and they will never share their true, unabridged reports of the event.

  • Lol yeah sure just like how the Trail of Tears and transatlantic slave trade never actually happened, rather they were fabricated by China to discredit the peaceful and freedom loving American government

  • A new book reveals that numerous atrocities that the United States had alleged to have been committed by its foes never happened to begin with.

    Reveals? Seriously?

    The hoax built around Tiananmen Square was a blueprint for US media campaigns aimed at showing the Chinese government in a bad light, as Washington went on to accuse Beijing of perpetrating a genocide against the Uyghur people in Xinjiang province.

    Oh, please.

    Keep your tankie apologist shit to yourself. Thanks.

  • Congratuations citizen! You have been awarded with +250 Social Credits for proving China did nothing wrong. If you also prove that Uyghurs in our country have no complaints whatsoever, you can get an additional +500 Social Credits.

    All hail our glorious leader Xi Jinping

  • From your CNN link:

    But there’s no question many people were killed by the army that night around Tiananmen Square, and on the way to it — mostly in the western part of Beijing.

    Saying that the “Tiananmen Square massacre” killings actually happened in other parts of the city may be an important academic distinction, but it isn’t a particularly stirring defense of the army’s actions.

    •  Sem   ( @sem@lemmy.ml ) 
      911 months ago

      It is argumentum ad hominem. Imo, doesn’t matter what site is it. If the site has a bad reputation just check sources twice but do not reject the article just because the site. That’s how I see it.

      •  🦘min0nim🦘   ( @min0nim@aussie.zone ) 
        11 months ago

        Checking sources twice is something you should do from a news agency that is actually reputable. As in it trades on being honest and accurate.

        You’re not obliged to read everything from an outlet that has no track record of honesty and integrity simply because you’ve been beaten around the head with the internet ‘logical fallacy’ meme one too many times.

        Thinking that everything you read on the internet should be worth your time to fact check is the ultimate logical fallacy.

      • article titles on its Arabic website include “The Holocaust — that great deception”, “Why do the Jews rejoice at the burning of Notre Dame in Paris?”, “Jews and Freemasons in the Arabs’ revolutions”, and “The Jews of ‘Israel’” — this is why their end is certain"

        They also refer to the Ukrainian government as a “Nazi regime.”

        Your choice, but choosing to believe that site is plainly asking to be lied to. Advising others to “check sources twice” is pretty laughable in this context. This is unintelligent and blatant propaganda.

      • Sorry, if you post Nazi propaganda and Holocaust denialism, you lose all credibility as a source.

        Nazis are more than welcome to try to argue that they are a decent source, but anyone with a brain is going to discount the site and stories when you see the dreck they post.

      •  chaos   ( @chaos@beehaw.org ) 
        711 months ago

        There is never going to be a case where the world misses the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything because it was said by a Nazi and everyone refused to listen to the Nazi. When it’s clearly straight up propaganda, it’s perfectly rational to dismiss it due to the source and not investigate further. If there’s a valid and useful point to be made, it’ll get made in more respectable sources too and then it might be time to pay attention. Plus, even if they do cite sources, it’s hard to spot where they’ve twisted or lied about those sources, but it’s really easy for the propagandist to spout whatever nonsense they believe because they don’t care about the truth. That asymmetry is good for the Nazi and bad for decent people, and the way to fix that is don’t waste your time carefully investigating and critiquing Nazi bullshit.

      • “Journalists” who take money from these people don’t deserve that kind of respect. I’m not going to invest my time “checking sources” on propaganda, and expose myself to even more lies in the process.

  • In one of the links listed by op:
    Yup. Sounds like a massacre to me.

  • Forgot to add things in the post before! Maybe you won’t see the updated post for some glitch in the federation!. Putting this here anyway:

    US mainstream news outlets like CBS News with actual reporters on the ground at the time: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/there-was-no-tiananmen-square-massacre/

    Classified US communications with assets on the ground: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/89BEIJING18828_a.html

    Image Analysis

    More Read: https://redsails.org/another-view-of-tiananmen/