•  pH3ra   ( @pH3ra@lemmy.ml ) 
    11 months ago

    I spent the last 10 mins reading all the comments and I think we managed to shit on all the distros available.
    That’s the Linux community I love, good job people <3

  • Ubuntu, because of their shenanigans with ads in the OS, forcing snap and just generally demonstrating disdain for their userbase.

    Manjaro for their office suite debacle, and general instability.

    RHEL for their recent attempts to subvert GPL.

    Debian because packages are never, ever, ever up to date.

    Gentoo because any sane person would get sick of compiling.

    • I actually like Gentoo for the same reason you hate it. But I was a FreeBSD guy for around 10 years before migrating to linux, and I probably some long lasting damage still lingering from that era.

        • I miss /usr/ports. I could spend days just exploring its contents.

          I miss an /etc structure that wasn’t a complete mess.

          I miss UFS and its soft updates.

          I miss the stability of fBSD 3 and 4.

          I miss the ease of which you tweaked, compiled, and installed a new kernel.

          And just because of the hilarious legacy that was obsolete 20 years beforw I started with it, I miss the concept of font-servers.

          The main reason for my migration was the bigger userbase of linux where it was easier to find people who has resolved whatever issue I was having, plus nvidia drivers. Plus I’ve only needed to use fBSD once professionally.

        • I’m not saying anyone is wrong for shying away from Gentoo, but using a comprehensive desktop environment, systemd, and gentoo-kernel gives a very non-fiddly experience.

          Combine that with running updates overnight or honestly just running them in the background while you work, and it’s not nearly as bad as its reputation.

          Still very much a commitment vs other distros, but not as bonkers as it can seem.

      • I ran Gentoo for years. I run Arch now.

        You’re not wrong, lol.

        'Course, I was running Gentoo when hardware was slow enough that you could see the real-time performance improvement from tailored compiles. Now shit’s so fast that any gains are imperceptible by a human for day-to-day desktop usage. Arch can also be a bit of a time sink, I get it, especially setting it up takes time and thought. That’s also why I like it, and always come back to it: I can set it up exactly how I want it, and it’s really good at that. There’s always weird shit that seems to happen to me when I try to remove Gnome in Ubuntu or other crazy shit that, yeah, everyone would tell you not to do, but Arch doesn’t care. If I want combination of things, I can hunt for a distro that has it, or I can likely just set it up on Arch.

        After setup, though, it’s not any more effort to maintain than any other distro. shrug

        •  NaoPb   ( @NaoPb@beehaw.org ) 
          11 months ago

          Removing things others tell you not to do. Yes, that sounds familiar. Maybe I should try Arch sometime.

          I’ve just finished my current version of my script to change ubuntu around to my liking. At 4:23 in the night/morning. I’m back on ubuntu because I can never seem to get the graphics working just right on other distro’s. There’s always that screen tearing happening whenever I play youtube videos in firefox. But in ubuntu it just works out of the box.

      • Binary speed is really the least reason to use Gentoo.

        There are a lot of thorny issues in package distribution that source builds completely sidestep.

        Install-it-yourself plus source updates are a lot to ask, but if you can get the hang of it the benefits are pretty sweet.

    • Honestly… I don’t get this. It’s a bit more work than other distros but I think that Linux users often get to a point in their Linux journey where customizing a system with defaults is more difficult than just starting from a blank slate.

      • Customizing all-in-one distros is a shitty uphill battle that isn’t worth the trouble, so I get how Arch is worth the work there. But recommending a kit car when people are asking for a commuter just bugs me.

      • It is definitely not a bit more work. It’s hours and hours of reading manuals, following video guides and configuring every last detail.

        This is a gross simplification

        • I think reality lies somewhere in the middle. Yes you have to read and yes you have to configure things but the docs are all on the wiki. There’s a point where this is easier than figuring out how to undo the defaults on, say, Ubuntu and do your own thing without official documentation on it.

      •  NaN   ( @nan@lemmy.blahaj.zone ) 
        11 months ago

        I don’t find this the case at all. I barely change the wallpaper, I’m not spending time removing a bunch of stuff I don’t use it just sits there unused. I did my time with Arch and Gentoo (before Arch existed) for years, but I would rather someone else do the work and I will use it as long as it has sane defaults, for my actual work that doesn’t care.

  • Ubuntu - It was my first distro and I loved it for many years after 6.06. However, it slowly shifted from a very community focused distro (“Linux for human beings” was the original slogan) to a very corporate distro with lots of in-house bullshit, CLAs, and partially-closed projects that seems to focus on profit and business over actual human beings. I correlate this move to around the time when it became purple rather than brown. Snap sucks, Mir sucks, Unity sucks, integrating Amazon and music store paid bullshit sucks. Just no. Move to Debian.

    Manjaro - It’s Arch, but with incompetence!

    Red Hat - Do you enjoy paying licensing fees for a Linux distro that very likely violates the open source licenses it uses? RHEL is for you! Just remember not to share the code! Sharing is most certainly NOT caring!

    • How does Manjaro add incompetence? I’ve not used either for a while, buy Manjaro never failed me, while arch did manage to make my system nuke itself a couple times just running pacman -Syyu. Granted, this was a long time ago, but it’s the only distro to so this to me ever.

      • The project maintainers repeatedly forget to renew their certificates, causing package upgrades to fail.

        The project maintainers, in multiple past instances, have misconfigured their package manager resulting in essentially a DDoS of the AUR.

        The packages are out of date vs. the upstream Arch ones, which often causes AUR packages intended for upstream Arch to break on Manjaro. Yet they consider the AUR a supported resource.

        Project has had problems with mismanagement of funds in the past.

        Despite all this, they seem to heavily focus on marketing, merch, and trying to sell preinstalled systems. Manjaro is in it for profit, not to make an awesome distro.

      • it’s a reddit imported hate-train because they didn’t renew certificates twice in twenty years and a bug in pamac cause the aur to be ddosed for a few hours total, to tell you how much of an empty bandwagon it is, few years back, manjaro tried to push a closed source office suite in their base installers and none of the clowns parroting anti-manjaro mantras ever mention it, they didn’t think about adding it to the agreed list of accusations in the early days so their copy pasted opinions don’t feature it.

      • If that were true then none of this would be news. The CentOS Stream code is available to the public on git, but not the RHEL code. If the RHEL code was available to the public the outrage would have no reason to exist.

        Even if paying customers have access to the RHEL code via git, they are forbidden from redistributing it (which is allowed by the FOSS licenses that code is under) or else the customers lose their license. This does not qualify as the code being available in my opinion, and in the opinion of the vast majority of the FOSS community.

        Saying everything is fine and dandy in the RHEL world is FUD.

  • Manjaro because it is a bait and switch trap. Seems really polished and user friendly. You will find out eventually it is a system destroying time-bomb and a poorly managed project.

    Ubuntu because snaps.

    The rest are all pros and cons that are different strokes for different folks.

  •  tekeous   ( @tekeous@apollo.town ) 
    3011 months ago

    Fucking Arch and Arch people.

    I don’t want to set up my whole shit manually from terminal, I want something that works. Go for help on the forums and they’re the most head up the ass unhelpful condescending clowns since Mac users. No, as it turns out, when my driver didn’t work and I asked for help, I do not know how to recompile my armpit hair from source. Bad suggestion.

    EndeavourOS is what Arch should be.

    •  vettnerk   ( @vettnerk@lemmy.ml ) OP
      11 months ago

      Once upon a time I was into RC helicopters. This combined with working offshore as a bachelor and living in a tiny apartment with a jurassic era (but reliable) car meant that I had a pretty decent income and not a whole lot on which to spend it. So once in a while I visited my local RC store just to browse and chat with the people there and if I stumbled across something interesting I might buy it.

      I was not that much into the building part of the helicopters, but I saw it as a means to an end. Something I had to do to be able to fly it. The flying part was the end.

      One day I was visiting the store, this clerk I knew showed me this kit he had. Brand new, pre-assembled, perfect craftmanship had gone into putting the kit together. Governor controlling the engine, ability to negate the pitch, extra strong servo for the cyclic controls. She was a beauty, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I was, at that point,saving up my money for something unrelated, I would’ve bought it.

      “You guys pre-assemble kits now?” I asked out of curiosity. “Oh no, we don’t have the time for that” the clerk replied. “But this one customer” he began “he buys new kits, builds them, and sells them back to us at a 10% loss”

      My brain short circuited. Why?? The flying part was the reward. Why would you not fly it? Well, in retrospect I understand it. The guy liked building complex machines. He had no interest in flying the kits. He loved the building process and the craftmanship that went into it, and once he had assembled it as perfectly as could ever be done, he was finished with the kit, and on the lookout for something new. He had the time to do what he loved, so why not. Rumor has it that he could spend an entire day with a tachometer and an IR thermometer just to get the fuel mixture perfect, whereas I used to do that in 10 minutes and call it “good enough”.

      I never met the guy. But he sounds like an interesting character. If he ran Linux he’d be running arch. Not from the bragging rights, not for its usability, not for (insert common reason here). But simply because he loved the craftmanship that went into setting it up.

      • I hate Arch’s installation process but love AUR, and having always up-to-date packages. The new archinstall script that comes with it is actually really straight forward. Also, I install a complete, bloated gnome desktop environment, set up everything once and the resulting OS is really user friendly.

        • Calam Arch exists.

          The chaotic AUR singlehandedly makes Arch great (on weaker machines).

          I use EndeavorOS (99% Arch) and I haven’t looked back. Up to date software, knowing what’s in my system, minimal bloat, but I would recommend Fedora or openSUSE to beginners and intermediates. I can’t recommend Ubuntu or Manjaro. Using either one of those is like signing your sanity away.

    •  luap   ( @luap@apollo.town ) 
      1811 months ago

      This is such a weird take for me, and it’s popular enough of a take that it makes it weirder.

      Arch is, by default, a barebones distro. The whole point is you start from nothing with very few defaults and learn how to get everything up and running yourself.

      Complaining that the way arch works sucks cos you don’t want to do that is bizarre.

      Imagine complaining that Linux From Scratch sucks cos you have to do it from scratch.

      Endeavor OS exists, it’s what Endeavor OS should be. You can just use it, no one will complain. The Arch folk might be less inclined to help with it, but that’s why there are Endeavor OS folks to talk to.

    • There’s an installer ISO called Calam Arch Installer that uses the calamares installer (I think this is what all the Arch based GUI installer distros use - Garuda, Manjaro, etc). This one installs vanilla Arch though.

      If you want to run straight Arch but don’t want to deal with Arch’s painful install process, this one is for you. I’ve used it on all of my Arch systems and it has been reliable.

    • You realize EndeavorOS is 99% arch, right? You don’t hate arch, you hate the idea of manual setup.

      Also, glad you use EndeavorOS! I use it too and it’s the only distro I’ve daily driven for years now.

  •  ReK_   ( @ReK_@lm.bittervets.org ) 
    2111 months ago

    Ubuntu. I can’t stand the way Canonical always decides they know better than everyone else so they reinvent the wheel, only to abandon it two years later. Diversity is good but the history of Ubuntu is littered with garbage that was forced on users and then abandoned.

  • ZorinOS, had lots of problems with it right out of the box that weren’t present on any other mainstream distros I tried on the same hardware.

    I didn′t like the look and feel either. For a distro that has a paid version, I would expect a very polished a premium feeling experience, but I didn’t get that compared to all the mainstream free distros.

    It was ultimately a dissapointing experience all around.