• “How Reddit Beat a Rebellion”? Did they win? 😣

    Must admit I haven’t been keeping tabs, but after 15 years on my account + lurking, I was kinda rooting for them to go down in flames.

    Feels akin to trusting and supporting someone, having their back, and then they turn around and stab you in yours.

    I don’t regret leaving — should have done it a lot sooner (but the alternatives weren’t really viable) — but I was kinda hoping they would be… punished? for fucking up so badly.

    Guess I’ll have to listen to that episode now 🙄

    • Yeah I’m not sure if that most recent episode is a particularly good one to post here, since parts of it are about Reddit/Lemmy or a particularly bad one for the same reason ^^

      I don’t think Reddit has taken a huge hit and most people forgot about it already (some, probably everyone here, obviously didn’t). But I do think inevitably there’s going to be another time when Reddit messes up and by that time the alternatives and tools will be much more viable and alive than they were the last time.

  • I listen to a LOT of podcasts and their chemistry is unrivaled. It’s popularity has made both of them ‘go-to’ sources for tech as of late and so they often get scoops/interviews on top of their banter as well.

    • I usually dread interviews in podcast because it changes the dynamic of the people talking, but in this one I actually enjoy them. They’re always tied in nicely and we’re all interesting so far.