I finished that series a few weeks ago and I still crave that kind of humor

  •  Rottcodd   ( @Rottcodd@lemmy.ninja ) 
    311 months ago

    Well… yes and no.

    I’ve never read anything else that combines humor, wit, philosophy and phrase-turning in quite the same way.

    Some that are at least similar in one or another way:

    Lots of Terry Pratchett’s stuff - I’d especially recommend Guards! Guards! or Monstrous Regiment.

    Tom Robbins, and especially Jitterbug Perfume

    A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

    Kurt Vonnegut, and especially Cat’s Cradle or Sirens of Titan.

    Most anything by Carl Hiaasen. He writes in a completely different genre, but with a very similar sense of the absurd.

    Will Save the Galaxy for Food by Yahtzee Croshaw.

    Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch

    • ^ This is a good list. I’ll add Christopher Moore’s Lamb or A Dirty Job and the comment that imo the Rivers of London series starts a bit skeevy with how women are written, but the author shakes it out by book 2 or 3, and it’s got a great voice actor for the audio.

  • Stanislaw Lem sometimes wrote very serious (Solaris) and sometimes very humorous. In particular, he wrote a series of comedic stories about a pair of inventors who were always trying to outdo each other with ridiculous inventions. In one story, another inventor builds an probability amplifier, to create dragons. (Which, apparently, are real but so rare that one would never naturally occur in the history of the universe.) Strange things result.

    The probability generator story (“The Dragons of Probability”) was in the collection “The Cyberiad”, translated to English in 1974, four years before the earliest version of HHGtTG (the radio play). Adams claimed he was not aware of the Lem story when he wrote Hitchhiker’s Guide.


    Anyways, Lem is fantastic. I think “The Futurological Congress” is a good starting point, if you haven’t read anything by him before.

  • The Discworld books by Terry Pratchett get compared to Hitchhiker’s Guide a lot – if Hitchhiker’s Guide is a sci-fi parody, Discworld is a fantasy parody. HHG I think is a bit zanier/more absurdist but they both are super witty with a side of social commentary.