‘He was understandably frustrated and distraught by the present and on-going erosions to our constitutionally protected freedoms and the rights of free citizens’

  • There are a lot of people who would like you to think that disinformation is harmless; that if you buy into bullshit that it’s your own fault; and that the ‘people that matter’ know the truth.

    This man bought into the fire hose of shit that is continuously, endlessly spewing a mixture of exaggerations, half truths and outright lies. He took it all very seriously, and he paid with his life.

    Ask yourself, do you think this man was one of the ‘people who matter’ to his family? It sounds like some of them agree with, and listened to him and the fire hose.

    This is a fucking tragedy. This man is a casualty of the fight for democracy, and it is a damn fight when people are getting shot for it. Not because he bought into some bullshit; but because he was fed a line of shit by people he trusted. His political party.

    This has got to stop, and I think that it surely will.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t have to be at the expense of another man’s life.

    Another husband, father, grandfather, uncle or brother. Or worse, whole families.

  •  𝙣𝙪𝙠𝙚   ( @nuke@yah.lol ) 
    1711 months ago

    “Though his statements were intemperate at times, he has never, and would never, commit any act of violence against another human being over a political or philosophical disagreement,” the statement read.

    Cognitive dissonance. He literally committed an act of violence against another human by shooting at FBI agents. Their whole damn family is fucking stupid and I’m glad the piece of shit is dead.

    • I love their word choice. I think posts which are active threats that the FBI has to deal with are a bit more than “intemperate”, but okay.

      Here’s your pacifier, and here’s your Fox News. Now run along and stop making statements to the media.

    • @nuke

      This is exactly how they want you to feel, because it will sensitize you to the violence, you eventually move beyond the mere vocal, and they’ll have the war the want, because you and everyone like you will do the same thing. You’re far from alone in this thinking, so they are winning on fronts that we dont acknowledge, at least not ‘in the clear’.

  • I can’t imagine being 75 and deciding that the best use of my final years is to try to assassinate a moderate president. Even if you do feel the country is going to hell, you’ve got a decade left tops.

    He let himself give into selfishness and anger instead of spending time with all that family, sitting on a patio chair with his dog and an icy Arnold Palmer waving to neighbors, and enjoying old man hobbies. What a frickin tragedy…

    I want to know about serious issues with this country, but screw extremist media big time. News isn’t entertainment. It needs to be real or this crap happens.

  • How the hell did this headline get past the editor??
    This sounds like the FBI shot the man’s family after he threatened Biden, saying he’s frustrated.
    It’s hard to put much stock in their interpretation of the facts when their attention to detail never graced the headline even for a minute…

  • After hearing stuff like this it always makes me reaffirm that Rush Limbaugh was one of the most dangerous, deplorable people to have the unfortunate opportunity to have a platform. Truly one of the most pernicious people to ever speak into a microphone. I don’t know if this is a bit of a non-sequitur, but I feel like this guy would’ve been a staunch listener.

    • Limbaugh was a symptom of the disease. If it wasn’t him it would have been someone else. And now with the internet era we’ve seen it. There are 5 conservative assholes to replace each one that loses their job or stops podcasting. I for one am hoping that car makers follow through on their plans to stop including AM radios. That only solves the class of people who are going to die within the next 20 years anyway. We need a solution for all the gen Z-ers that are getting dragged into the alt-right pipeline.

  • What freedom and rights have been affected, exactly? Is this just “immigrants and LGBT people exist” nonsense, where it’s claimed that not doing negative things to such groups is somehow an attack on white straight men?