I’ve had this question looking at the Quake con sale, and Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth is for sale on both platforms. I ended up buying it on GOG. What is your opinion?

    • This. I love GoG for what they do and their whole ethos, but I have damn near my entire collection already on Steam and like to condense as much as I can as hard as that may be. Steam is still by and far the best launcher, but every year GoG Galaxy gets a little bit closer to being an actual contender; literally all the rest are absolutely terrible dumpster fires.

      Why is that by the way? On my PC I have Amazon, Battle.net, EA, Epic, GoG Galaxy 2.0, Itchio, Rockstar, and Uplay clients (along with some individual game launchers) and not a single one comes close to being as feature rich, streamlined, and just clearly built for the customer/player as Steam is. I know Valve has a lot more experience under their belt but it feels like the others aren’t even trying. Most of them are just in your face about their store fronts and barely function as a library after the fact.

  • When I used Windows I mainly bought on Gog for the DRM-free aspect. Now that I’ve switched to Linux almost completely, I find Steam’s software for running Windows games on Linux to be just about the most seamless and easy to use, compared to other stuff I’ve tried like Lutris and Heroic Games Launcher.

  • GOG. DRM-free support needs all the help it can get. I have nothing but respect for Steam, so it’s my secondary choice. The only exception is if it’s a game that’s been out for a while and there’s been discrepancies between GOG and Steam support (or a dev/publisher with a history of said issues), in which case I’ll go with the one that’s better supported.

  • GOG because it’s more convenient and less ableist.

    Steam’s colour scheme makes it difficult to read and causes eye strain and headaches for people with astigmatism, like me. The way the light text bleeds into the darkness surrounding it makes it difficult to read anything so I can’t be sure of the price that I’m paying without copy/pasting it into notepad or something. When I made a thread pointing this out years ago, when they disabled the old theme system, Valve’s mods banned me from the forum and deleted my thread.

    I sent an email to Epic Games about the same problem in their store and got a response that could be summarized as “Don’t care, go fuck yourself.” so they are not a good option either. I don’t like gambling so I won’t use EA’s virtual casino, and I want to keep the games I buy so Ubisoft’s store is also not an option.

    It’s GOG or piracy for me.

    • I’ve never had any issues with headaches, have you talked to your doctor about maybe getting a blue light filter added to your prescription? Also, you can pick a different theme for Steam as well. I’m a big fan of Metro.

      • It’s not blue light. It’s blurriness caused by the white of the text bleeding into the black. Straining my eyes to read it causes headaches. I can use light mode things with no problems.

        Steam skins don’t reskin most of the client anymore. I used to use a light skin similar to Metro when Steam still properly supported it.

        • OK, in that case I would see about getting a new eye doctor, if you can. If they were doing their job right, they should have made sure the prescription you got corrected the astigmatism. My doctor worked with me to get it perfectly right, so I don’t have any issues anymore with small text, including on Steam.

          If you or someone else who reads this can’t afford to get glasses, there is help available. If you’re in the US, check out New Eyes, which works with those who can’t afford to have their vision corrected.

            • No, glasses don’t fix the shape of your eye, but they do correct for that uneven shape. I would know, because they’ve corrected my vision and it’s now crystal clear after being blurry from astigmatism for years. It sounds to me like your prescription just isn’t quite right, because you shouldn’t have any issues if they had nailed it.

              Don’t get me wrong, I’m not dismissing that you have a problem, and I’m not defending Steam or saying they shouldn’t have more accessible options for those with sight issues. What I’m saying is it really sounds like your glasses aren’t where they need to be, and that’s why you’re having issues. With the tech they use to make lenses these days, you should definitely be able to dial in a prescription to get perfectly clear vision with astigmatism.