The more people see the engagement, the more chance of them asking “what is that?” It won’t be long until the apps are better, and links to articles could be less likely to get suppressed than migration memes.

I can only speak for myself, but I only saw Mastodon as viable after I started being exposed to the content there…

      • @Cryst

        Hm. Generally, yes. I’m on tl;dr: Fantastic and excellent social media alternative, but as someone that’s worked years in ITSec, I have some huge concerns.

        Things I found surprising:

        • Registration was intuitive and easy.
        • There’s already a huge volume of good content readily available without having to “find it” (I had imagined it being more like ““the dark web””, i.e. you have to know what site you’re looking for
        • Voting transparency omg holy shit. I remember when Reddit introduced vote fuzzing and it was the dumbest thing. At least on kbin, who upvotes/downvotes something is publicly viewable. So rather than “let’s fuzz the votes to throw off the bots”, simply showing who voted allows you to easily find the troll downvoting everything or a flood of bots or so on. I imagine there’s probably not much tooling around this yet, but there inevitably will be.

        Things I’ve found confusing, concerning, or have questions about (feel free to point me in the direction of a good magazine or FAQ as well):

        • WTF is boost vs upvote?
        • Are usernames unique across the fediverse, or only across instances? (Is there anything preventing me from registering e.g. , then jumping on this thread and pretending to be you, or vice versa?)
        • What happens if an instance closes up shop? Is there any way to migrate everyone’s data over to another instance?
        • What happens if I decide I hate admins, or you decide you hate admins - are either of us able to fairly seamlessly move our identities from one server to another? Or would it be “nope, create a new account and start over”?
        • On reddit, a lot of good things happen around flairing (users, posts). Does fediverse have an equivalent?
        • Sometimes as I’m browsing I find myself on a different server (I think) and the language of the GUI is entirely switched to Arabic or similar. I still haven’t figured out how to fix that or even what’s doing it.

        I still need to set up my own instance and play with that too.

  • I would love to pick one maybe two subreddits to focus on taking the top posts and just reposting them to the communities here, but I’m kinda waiting on community consolidation to get fixed so I don’t waste time posting to empty communities. Also if there was a Reddit to Lemmy post migration script or something to automate it that would be awesome

  • If anybody wants to share a link to kbin/Lemmy so people join, don’t send the official Lemmy or Kbin page (or the official page of any federated platform) nor the link to any given server. Share instead links to the Join the fediverse wiki, fedeverse party, etc that have lists of servers and also have posts explaining anything a person needs to know to start an account on any decentralized platform/server.

  • I’ve been kind of suggesting the same thing a few times inside of posts. I’m coming at it from the perspective of having had to do a lot of in-person recruiting for voluntary activities, mentoring, and teaching – you cannot tell people things like “you should just join lemmy/kbin” – you have to wait for them to ask “how do I join lemmy/kbin?”

    That’s okay! It just means that the focus when introducing people to it has to be “here’s what you’re missing”, positive about where they could go rather than negative about where they are.

    It’s an uphill battle trying to argue with people who do have a point about it being harder to use (we shouldn’t gaslight people), but they’re also saying what the audience is wanting to hear because it gives them permission to do nothing.

    How many are just admin accounts or sock puppets for some agenda or another anyway?

    Consider focusing on the positive – link to specific posts on these systems that are objectively worth going to participate in. They don’t need an account to read and enjoy.

    Then, if they discover that they wish that they could participate in the thread – that is the time to explain that they should just join whatever instance the post they really enjoyed was on for starters. They’ll realize that they can see magazines from other instances, probably after a week when they realize other instance domain names are showing up on things. Then some nice person explains what’s going on.

    And now they’ve convinced themselves it’s worth joining…