• It’s this exactly which is sending me to have a 25kw battery storage with a transfer switch to take myself off-grid when I have battery power available. Only when I have a full bank of battery power then will export. Makes no sense to not use the power solar generator owners make.

    • The problem is that energy is extremely cheap during the day due to the excess of renewables so that’s why it’s not all that profitable for power companies to buy it. One way to take advantage is to buy a battery and then use that to soak up the excess during the day (at the same time using as much as possible for your own needs) then discharge it during the night. But you’ll have to run the numbers to see if that’s worthwhile. In the long run, EV batteries can do this function too although that is part of the inverter driven problem the article discusses.

      Of course, whether electricity should be under a market mechanism is debatable, but that’s how it is for now.