I cycle quite a bit (500-1000km / month), but my recreational routes have all been near areas where I know I’ll have access to public toilets and clean drinking water.

I’d love to venture out onto more rural roads and areas, way outside of areas that might normally have toilet access, but that’s quite literally the only thing holding me back from doing so.

What are your strategies? Piss by the side of the road and hope nobody sees you? Squat out in a heavily forested area and risk ticks?

This is not a topic that ever gets talked about with cycle tourists, endurance riders, and other long-distance cyclists, so I’d love to know how to approach this!

  • If you’re travelling with a pack, bring TP / Wet wipes / hand sanitizer and a hand spade. Pee wherever you can, if you desperately need a crap, use the hand spade to stab a 6-9" circle in the ground, pop out the dirt as a ‘plug’ do your best to drop your dookie in there, top with the TP, and put the plug back. Not optimal, but more than bare minimum. If you miss, use the plug to push the bizness into the hole.

  • I exclusively ride in the middle of nowhere. If I need to take a piss I stop my bike and step off the trail for a leak and if I need to take a dump which fortunelately has only happened once I then just walk a bit further away from the trail. This would be much more of an issue in urban areas but in rural areas not the slightest. I’ve never been worried about ticks. I spend quite a bit time in the woods.

  • One option I haven’t seen suggested is a wag bag. They’re a bag you do your business into that solidifies everything and makes it safe to dispose into the nearest garbage can. You’ll see them used by no-trace backpackers, climbers, and dispersed campers. Carry one in your bike’s bag and rest assured you have a fast and traceless method.

    Don’t forget to bring sanitizer or dry leaf soap for hand cleaning.

    I use Cleanwaste brand, but there are plenty of choices out there. Find a local manufacturer of them.

    Additionally, carry extra TP or bring a bottle-top bidet. The kits tend to not have much TP included.

    • Unless you suffer from some kind of bowel distress ailment, you should be good for four hours or so at a minimum, probably a lot longer.

      I do, and my rides can be well over eight hours long. Not that I’m stopping every hour or anything, but knowing how others do it in advance can give me some ideas at least.

      • I’m missing 1.5 meters or so of gut, and find that being very strict on timing of food intake makes output predictable. I schedule rides around input/output. Following strict eating “windows” is a bit of an adjustment, but it makes life in general a lot easier.

          • Not yet. I have a reconstructed stub going to the rectum, which acts as a holding area. Kind of like a j-pouch but using a stub instead. It has settled in well, but at the beginning I had to wear diapers for several months. I’ll move on to a stoma if the stub fails.

            Stoma and stub each have their advantages and disadvantages. I learned a lot about managing my stub from a stoma support group, highly recommend reaching out to “interesting guts” groups. They have tons of good information and creative solutions!

            • Cool! I’ve got a stoma, which does have pros and cons, but likely a massive pro when it comes to “going #2” in strange places. LOL

              I mean, I could probably rig something to hang off my bike rack so that it looks like I’m fiddling with my pannier or doing something to my rear tire, when I’m actually just emptying/swapping out a bag ;)

              I probably do have it easier than squatting out in the bush, so I might have to invent some solution to make it super quick, clean, and easy.

              • If you figure out something, be sure to share your solution. Could be very cool, for all kinds of activities. Some kind of accessory Ortlieb roll top bag with a heavy liner and absorptive pellets… mad scientist time!

                A few people online said after their stubs failed and they went to stomas, that the stomas were pretty good. It does seem like for biking or hiking managing a bag would be a bit more stealth than squatting behind the shrubbery!