Been living in this new place for a few months now and wow it’s crazy trying to find parking. My place has 8 apartments with 3 beds each so it’s pretty much a 24 person place. We only have a 12-spot parking lot so overflow has to parallel park on the street which is its own special kind of hell.

I have a weird schedule, so there’s been times I leave at 10 or 11 pm to go fill my car up with gas, notice the parking lot is full, and then I come back and my spot was taken by a car I saw parked on the street. Who has the time to do this shit at these weird hours? Just today I took out the trash and went to move my car from the street because I saw the lot was very empty, then when I finally drove to the lot there were 5 more cars there. I had only been gone for like 5 minutes!