• Just to say it, this means less fossil fuel capaciy in the US. There are 7.85GW of new natural gas power plants and 5.22GW will be retired. So 2.63GW of added natural gas. At the same time 9.52GW of coal will be retired, meaning a net loss of 6.86GW of fossil fuel power plant capacity.

    Also worth to mention that fossil fuel power plants do not have to operate all the time. Especially in grids with a lot of fossil fuels this does not happen and the US is adding a lot of those. Even more striking is that large amount of new battery storage capacity, which is going to reduce the need for fossil fuels even further.

  • Am I reading this right?

    This source says we generate 4 trillion kilowatt hours annually, which is 40 million gigawatt hours.

    The link in the post says we’re adding 48 gigawatts of renewables (56*86%) this year and taking away 14.5 gigawatts of fossil fuels.

    That… seems like not enough

      • a lot of infrastructure developments are nearing completion too which makes it easier to integrate new renewable projects, hopefully we’ll see an increase in tied usage for industries which can best make use of power at peek times as a way of stabilising the grid - when it’s windy they make hydrogen or extract carbon from the air using the excess energy then turn off when power generation levels fall, the more this replaces traditional constant use systems the easier it and more productive it is to add renewables to the grid especially at scale.

        A similar thing is likely to emerge with electric cars, e-bikes, and other battery devices, smart meter tariffs which allow people to set it to only charge when the grid has power to spare and prices are lower - if they’re paired with home solar and localised generation then it could really help take the pressure off long distance transmission lines.

      • the amount generated is more relevant. stating capacity is misleading: ofc higher amount generated implies higher capacity.

        1gw solar power plant will produce (random numbers) 4gwh in 4 hours per day ( in summer it produces 10gwh in 10 hours per summer day, and 2gwh in 2 hours per winter day, 4 kinda annual average, again, random… ) so in a year, it produces 4*365= 1460gwh, when 100% uptime, less if there is downtime. fossil for exemple: 1gw fossil plant produces 24gwh per day, thats 8760gwh per year but with 100% year long uptime: 20% downtime->7008gwh only, so on and so forth…stating capacity is misleading, show us productions graphs that could help judge how much generated in said area per year.