• working out doesn’t lose weight

    working out CAN contribute to a caloric deficit, but it’s the caloric deficit itself which is required for weight loss.

    counting calories kinda sucks though. there are variables we can’t control outside of exact calories taken in that will influence the burn rate.

    however, if considered in terms of broad overarching patterns rather than singular events, an adult human will exhale approximately 1 lb of carbon and hydrogen (in carbon dioxide and water vapor) every 8 hours or so. More if you’re exerting yourself. Every time you get your blood pumping and have to breathe harder due to physical activity, you’re creating more CO2, because you’re oxidizing more hydrocarbons, because you’re metabolizing more stored energy.

    move around, get out of breath. the way it steps up your burn rate will stay with you and linger on past the point where you’ve stopped exerting by a little bit. in 20-40 minutes, you’ll be ready to do it again.

  •  Shdwdrgn   ( @Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz ) 
    610 months ago

    I work out too. I sit at the computer for 16 hours and then make a mad dash to the bathroom and then to the fridge. That was a lot of work, why am I not losing weight either???