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Each of these reads like an extremely horny and angry man yelling their basest desires at Pornhub’s search function.

  •  Melmi   ( ) 
    429 months ago

    I worry that the cat is out of the bag on this. The tech for this stuff is out there, and you can run it on your home computer, so barring some sort of massive governmental overreach I don’t see a way to stop it.

    They can’t even stop piracy and there’s the full weight of the US copyright industry behind it. How are they going to stop this tech?

    • The point isnt that its too late, its that the hype is overblown. Go to the website this article mentions and follow the instructions (explore, turn on nsfw, type name and nude) and you will VERY QUICKLY realize the technology is just shit.

      You can see some resemblances and sometimes one close one, but like another poster said they just look like the same shitty fan fiction we’ve had since Photoshop came about.

      Also, this could end porn blackmail when none can tell if its real or not. People will start judging the person who us supplying the material rather than the person in it.

      • If it ends porn blackmail, it also ends photographic evidence. I think that’s significantly worse.

        And sure the tech is bad if you just type a name directly into a model, but if you take the time to refine it it gets pretty good, and it’s only going to get better over time. It’s time to start thinking about a future where this tech exists.

  •  stown   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    This doesn’t even feel like an article - more like one long advertisement. The second paragraph of the article launches into a review of the “Erect Horse Penis - Concept LoRA”

    •  rhabarba   ( ) OP
      409 months ago

      As much as I loathe having to reveal this to you, the shapeliness of the hands should be semi-negligible to most people who would love to have an image created from the statement “I want to see Billie Eilish’s boobs”.

    • Key word is yet.

      Yeah some body parts are a little weird today, but what about tomorrow, next week, next month, next year?

      I really haven’t given this much attention but the last time I did maybe 6-8 months ago, most of the photos had hands that were stuff of nightmares. Looking at them again today at least from the quick 10 minutes of looking they have improve significantly. Yeah they are still far from perfect but a handful are very good, most are passable and a few are still nightmare fuel.