I can’t wait! any other From Soft fans out here? Share your thoughts.

  •  Dee   ( @Dee@lemmings.world ) 
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I was playing armored core back before From Soft got their recognition with the Souls series and so I’m really excited we’re getting this series back. But now, with all the lessons learned from the Souls series! I’m sure it will be great, it’s just I’m a patient gamer so will still likely wait until a sale 😂

      • With games these days I just feel it’s a better deal. There’s stability patches, generally more content that’s added post-launch, and a sale price making it cheaper. I don’t understand buying games at launch when it’s not a primarily multiplayer game. Multiplayer makes sense since there’s the server population you have to consider. But Souls? Armored Core? Most RPGs? The multiplayer/coop is generally an afterthought, so I can wait until the deal ripens haha

      • It’s probably irresponsible of me, but now that I’m older and have expendable income - I will buy games, (usually on sale but sometimes at full price) to support the Devs of games I like. (Provided initial reviews are positive and the game is in a decent state, not riddled with micro-trans ect.)

        Even if I don’t have the time to play it. I know I could get some games cheaper if I buy them later but I think the initial sales numbers are a big factor in whether or not certain franchises get continued funding.

  • Kinda! I am a bit overloaded atm. Never finished elden ring due to an arthritis flare, absorbed with persona 5 atm, haven’t played disco Elysium yet either.

    Trying to find more time for non gaming hobbies and even so a new update for oxygen not included just game out!

    There’s been a glut of excellent games lately. Even stuff like Dave the diver is pretty absorbing. I’m keen to give it a go eventually though! after mechwarrior 5 proved too sloggy I’ve been a bit starved of mech games, so much so I’ll settle for weeb samuri suit shit ;p (I kid I kid it’s very silly aesthetically but we all squeeled with glee at the Pacific rim rocket punch)

    I’m glad it’s not multiplayer so I can enjoy it at my leisure.

  • I am pretty excited for it. I’m going to try to hold off on buying it though. I’m still working through BG3 and Starfield comes out a week after AC6. Then not too long after that, the Cyberpunk DLC drops and I’m REALLY excited for an excuse to replay that game. I also still haven’t even started FF16.

    I’m hoping that by the time I actually have time to play AC6, I can snag it on sale. There are so many amazing games coming out this month and next, it’s a very exciting time to be a gamer!