They still have considerable value and power, especially with their mining operations in Africa. Do we know who was second-in-command, or is there going to be a power struggle?

  •  anon6789   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    Not that I liked him, or really thought he was too much safer in Belarus, but why did the guy think he’d just be able to chill in Russia after making his murder crazy boss look stupid?

  •  Illecors   ( ) 
    911 months ago

    That guy in his position could’ve faked his presence in this event. I’m not saying he has, but as it stands now - he looks like a moron for trusting putin after a coup. And I don’t think he was a moron. Selfish narcissistic cunt - yes. But not a moron.

    • I read the Wikipedia summary of the coup fallout. It seems Prigozhin was cooperative to turn all legit businesses and paramilitary equipment over to Putin. His former media outlets turned on him and painted him as a traitor, but he still cooperated. I feel it’s unlikely to be a mutual plot to fake his death, they’ve executed other people for far less than a public coup though. He may have thought he was getting some kind of lieniency, but I think they’re toast.