•  Polar   ( @Polar@lemmy.ca ) 
    8710 months ago

    I had a double lung transplant 6 years ago. You have to be EXTREMELY compliant to even get put on the list.

    So many meds and tests and shit stuff you need to follow EXACTLY, every 12 hours, every day, for the rest of your life.

    If you refuse a vaccine you’re never going to care for your new lungs. It’s not easy.

    • Nope. That’s why the courts allow transplant coordinators to require that you be vaccinated. This vaccine was so incredibly safe that it’s ridiculous that she chose to die rather than getting it. I mean, literally the worst thing that could have happened to her because she got the vaccine happened to her because she didn’t get the vaccine.

      •  Polar   ( @Polar@lemmy.ca ) 
        2910 months ago

        This vaccine was so incredibly safe that it’s ridiculous that she chose to die rather than getting it.

        Unlike the transplant meds. Pretty large increase for cancer from them.

        Seems weird to refuse a COVID vaccine, but be fine swallowing a ton of meds every 12 hours that increases your risk of cancer significantly.

        Obviously me and many others accept that increased risk, because like you said, the other outcome is just dying straight up.

        In the end I’m glad the organ went to someone else who will respect and appreciate it.

        •  MapleEngineer   ( @MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca ) OP
          10 months ago

          I have a background in chemistry. Early in the pandemic when all the anti-vax nonsense was at its peak I took a look at the ingredients in the three main vaccines in Canada (A-Z, M, and P). For the most part they all included:

          mRNA which we all have in our bodies all the time

          4 salts of which one was table salt

          4 fats of which one was cholesterol

          and sugar.

          That’s it.

    • Fact is, there’s more people in need of transplants and simply not enough viable organs to go around.

      I’m not going to fault the transplant committee for denying someone over a vaccine. Simply, why give this very finite and very precious resource to someone when they’re just going to go get themselves unalived over something as dumb as a 100% preventable disease or something just because they have a brain malfunction that makes them think vaccines are bad. Especially when so many other people are literally dying without the same organs, who are more than happy to follow doctors instructions to ensure they can live a long and prosperous life with the replacement they desperately need.

      It’s all rather silly.

      The thing that probably bothers me the most about organ transplants in general is that if cloning research and stem cell research was allowed to proceed properly, it’s entirely possible that science could find a way to grow you a replacement of your own organs… Apart from genetic problems causing organs to fail, it would almost completely eliminate the entire demand for organs. But no, some idiots don’t want cloning because it upsets their imaginary friend.

      On a related note, go fill out your donor card people. Even if you’re one of those “nobody will want my organs” type of people, do it anyways. The transplant people will figure out if your organs are viable when you no longer need them anymore. Let them figure that shit out for you. Just check the box to be a donor and don’t think about it any further.

      •  Polar   ( @Polar@lemmy.ca ) 
        1810 months ago

        On a related note, go fill out your donor card people. Even if you’re one of those “nobody will want my organs” type of people, do it anyways. The transplant people will figure out if your organs are viable when you no longer need them anymore. Let them figure that shit out for you. Just check the box to be a donor and don’t think about it any further.

        and the stupid rumour about “the doctors will kill me to save 8 others” is bullshit. I am glad my donor signed. His wife said she didn’t want him to, but seeing me live because of his selflessness made her reconsider, and she tells everyone to be a donor.

        • That rumor flies in the face of the first rule doctors vow to uphold “do no harm”.

          IDK about you, but killing someone for their organs is pretty damn harmful for the individual “donating” their organs.

          It’s a different story if you’re braindead or hurt to the point of being capable of recovering at all, even with all of the modern science and medicine that is available.

  • “Taking this vaccine offends my conscience. I ought to have the choice about what goes into my body, and a lifesaving treatment cannot be denied to me because I chose not to take an experimental treatment for a condition — COVID-19 — which I do not have and which I may never have,” Lewis said in an affidavit.

    I guess she died with a clear conscious. 🙄

    Seriously though, taking an organ from the waitlist and then inevitably getting COVID while immunocompromised is … not very cool… for the next person on the waitlist.

    • I wonder if she did die with a clear conscience considering she withdrew the money donated at her fundraiser (which I find hilarious that they have a “send prayers” button on the page) so that she could live. They said in an earlier update that they expect everyone to be fair minded and not request a refund, but people can reach out for a refund. Very manipulative. Also, she didn’t leave a will and the funds are “unfortunately” locked while they figure out her estate. The whole thing is worth a read, if you don’t mind puking a little in your mouth.

      • Ugh. $125k to get an organ transplant in the US without the vaccine. Also, the stupid tweet speculating that vaccines aren’t required to donate organs. Nope, they absolutely aren’t. Idiots. Imbeciles. Morons. It’s absolutely infuriating that people can be so willingly ignorant.

        Sure, hospitals willing and able to do organ transplants are rare, but that’s because organs to transplant are exceptionally rare. Other than kidney donations, and I think liver (IIRC), all organ transplants require someone to die, and to die under pretty controlled conditions so that their organs are still in a usable condition. For every organ transplant that occurs, there are a dozen others that die waiting.

        To give this woman an organ transplant is to deny someone else an organ transplant. The question is not whether she should get an organ transplant despite not taking every reasonable measure to increase the odds of that organ contributing to a longer and healthier life; but rather who else dies if she doesn’t want to take every reasonable measure.

        The fundamental calculus of organ donation is not everyone who needs one will get one. Who will benefit the most? This is absolutely the practical application of those philosophical paradoxes where you are asked to pick which life to save under various circumstances.

        Her whole case reeks of the entitlement that oozes from the Convoy protesters. I shouldn’t be inconvenienced, I shouldn’t have to compromise to help others. I should get to live, screw everyone else.

        I have a friend who got a lung transplant around 10 years ago. It’s a little unnerving how bloodthirsty I got whenever I saw an aggressive motorcycle driver. “I hope they are an organ donor” became my new curse. I wasn’t exactly wishing death upon people, but it was sobering to feel how mixed my feelings became knowing a friend was waiting for an organ donation.

        The inverse of this story of this woman dying is the story of everyone who skipped past her in line. One of those organs could have been hers. I’d like to hear stories about people whose lives were saved.

        • Overall I agree. While every death is a tragedy, the reality is that if someone is denied a compatible organ, it means that there was someone who received it and was willing to go through more effort to ensure that they would survive the operation long term.

          COVID still exists, and it is still running rampant through the world, and it is still a legitimate threat to those with weakened immune systems, something that all organ recipients are.

          This is virtually the same as someone being denied a lung transplant because the refused to quit smoking. Someone died to give you that lung, and so if you’re not going to treat it with respect, you don’t deserve it as much as someone who will.

          That said, the numbers for transplants I’ve found are a lot more positive than I had expected: Organ transplants in Canada, 2021: Donations and need. That said, most organ transplants are from the deceased, and of those, a significant percentage were from Ontario and BC (adjusted for population) interestingly enough.

          Though with that said as well, in 2022 80% of donations were from the deceased, 52% were from family members, and compared to 2936 transplants, there were an additional 3777 people on the wait list. 701 Canadians were removed from the wait list that same year, 39% of whom had died while waiting. (https://www.cihi.ca/en/summary-statistics-on-organ-transplants-wait-lists-and-donors)

          The numbers are pretty uplifting overall, but until we can commercially grow organs (either in a vat or a donor pig) we need to take care of donated organs and maximize their value by preferentially giving them to those who are most likely to survive receiving them in the long term.

  • They don’t give organs to alcoholics who don’t stop drinking either.

    Good luck getting a heart of you refuse to quit eating a hamburger an hour.

    Look, you have to pass a baseline level of taking care of yourself to qualify for an organ, and vaccinations are the bottom, base level first line of defense.

  • “Taking this vaccine offends my conscience. I ought to have the choice about what goes into my body, and a lifesaving treatment cannot be denied to me because I chose not to take an experimental treatment for a condition”

    Hun, you’re not the only person who is looking for a transplant. If you’re not going to protect yourself from COVID-19, you don’t get the organ. Plain and simple.

    • Yup. The courts have long held that being vaccinated can be a requirement of getting an organ transplant. Organs are hard to come by and they should go to the people who are going to listen to their doctor and do what needs to be done to keep that organ alive for a long time. If not, it should go to someone who will.

      • If she won’t jump through that hoop, how many others will she refuse down the road?

        “Taking this anti-rejection medication offends my conscience. These drugs are chemicals!”

        “Getting an hour of cardio a day offends me, I should decide what activities I perform.”

        “Being told to keep my BMI in the healthy range to keep my transplant healthy is offensive and is implying I’m fat.”

        Transplant teams want compliant patients. Refusing a vaccine right off the bat means you are the non-compliant type who likely won’t be a success.

        • THIS is the key point. She had made this her entire identity. When billions of doses had been administered to billions of people worldwide and none of them became magnetic, or sterile, or had tracking chips installed, or got 5G, or turned into monkeys and the world went on with life while she slowly killed herself while wailing about the injustice…she would rather die than admit that she was wrong.

        • It’s worse than just being stubborn though. Being wrong and not willing to admit it is petty, but people are willing to go much further (up to dying, apparently) if they’re too willfully ignorant to even be open to the possibility they could be wrong. This is some dark ages shit, and it’s terrifying how much of it’s out there in the wild.

      • Why sentence somebody that wants to live to die ( by denying them a transplant ) so that the organ can be wasted on somebody making choices inconsistent with survival.

        All transplants have waiting lists. Getting an organ probably means denying one to somebody else.

        The headline should be “Idiot sacrifices their life opening a spot for somebody smarter to live”.

      • Not vaccinating against an infection puts you at dramatically increased risk of poor outcomes. When deciding who gets a lifesaving organ, you have to consider chance of success and the chance that person can follow through with the rigorous regimen for successful outcome. This is the same reason drug users are denied organs. This is nothing unusual or unethical. She can choose not to get vaccinated, and doctors will choose a more suitable recipient for the organ.

      • Organ transplant recipients have a weakened immune system for months to years afterwards, in large part due to immune suppressants taken to prevent organ rejection.

        That does not go well with being unvaccinated in a pandemic. The vaccination gives you a fighting chance even with weakened immune system, but without you’re screwed.