•  oce 🐆   ( @oce@jlai.lu ) 
    10 months ago

    Everything is about money, not about having an actual human experience.

    Human experience is still there, everywhere. You have to make the effort to get out of your burrow and do things outside with physical people.

    •  TehPers   ( @TehPers@beehaw.org ) 
      110 months ago

      I think this varies from place to place. In some places, I’ve definitely felt like going out and interacting with physical people was too dangerous, since the culture was along the lines of “everyone for themselves” and “don’t trust anyone”. That being said, I’ve also lived in places where the people around me were extremely friendly, so for many people that opportunity still does exist.

      For the people who feel like going out and interacting with strangers is dangerous, I think it might help to go to specific places where the kinds of people you want to meet would also go to (and the kinds of people you want to avoid wouldn’t go to), although that can be hard to find.

  •  IninewCrow   ( @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca ) 
    10 months ago

    Welcome to being poor … I mean poor poor … not the kind of poor where you can’t afford a Lamborghini … the kind of poor where you no longer have any luxuries like being able to go to the movies.

    Where life is a constant hassle and struggle to survive. And where you constantly have to fight to stay above water. A kind of life where someone is constantly either trying to screw you, is screwing you or has screwed you. A kind of life where you no longer trust the people you see, the people you meet, or the people you live with. A kind of life where you know from the time you are born that everything and everyone will be hard.

    I grew up like that and it became a normal part of life.

    I learned to make a bit of money and survive and I’ve done good but not great … good enough to travel the world. It gave me the insight that the majority of the world is poor … I thought that before but after traveling, I realized just how true that really is.

    The world we’re complaining about now is the world that most of the world already knows.

    Welcome to being poor and hopeless.

    • I once described this to someone as:

      You know you’re poor when you realize how bad powdered milk is compared to real milk. You know you’re really, really hungry when powdered milk tastes good.

  •  Mir   ( @Mir@lemmy.ml ) 
    10 months ago

    Is this supposed to be a “the world has turned into shit” take, even though it’s been like this for ages (way before the 4chan poster, or anyone alive for that matter, was born)?

  • I’ve gone through a lot of crap to learn and really believe that happiness and contentment can only come from within. The outside world has a lot to offer, but it will never give you that.

    Unfortunately the outside world and circumstances CAN make it pretty damn difficult or impossible.

    It’s a cliche to think of a monk or philosopher saying stuff like “if you want to be happy, be happy,” but that’s a lot of how I I’ve come to see it. And obviously it’s not that simple, we are pretty damn complicated, but that’s the spirit behind it.

  • We consume pseudo-food, watch pseudo movies and participate in pseudo sports, heck even pseudo politics. Why pseudo? Because everything is made as cheap as possible and to distract us from the suffering that capitalism brings us so that we won’t rise up.


    • Our vegetables are genetically modified so that they grow bigger but they can’t reproduce anymore and the seeds are copyrighted.
    • The movies that are watching are catered to the mainstream and don’t even really get a message across. Marvel movies try to tell us that rich people with power will save the world
    • Football games are there to distract people “give them bread and games and they will never revolt”
    • The people at power, through massive propaganda, seperate our people into left and right. These two parties will then fight eachother instead of realizing who is really opressing us
  •  Gnubyte   ( @Gnubyte@lemdit.com ) 
    1010 months ago


    I think capitalism isn’t the problem nor is liking and consuming a product or experience. We have great products turned into entire experiences here in the US, and I’m not terribly upset anymore about it.

    The problem is the late stage unchecked capitalism running rampant. I think allowing individuals the freedom to pursue their ideas and allow others to even build livelihoods from it works great. But there’s gotta be checks and balances, its what the USA was founded on.

  • My family wasn’t rich and I didn’t have many luxuries, but I still claim to have been much happier than many children who live in this hectic world where everything is so superficial. 90% of ordinary people don’t even dare to have an opinion anymore if it’s not exactly what the mainstream represents.