Tbh I do not know the ins and outs of rhel based distros, so these have caught my interest. I’ve tries live usb of both and I really did like the feel of alma. Rocky I thought felt like every other GNOME system… But I clearly dont really know much about these sort of distros and their capabilities. Are these considered enterprise grade? I have no clue. Would love to hear your thoughts on alma and Rocky and what makes them different that other distros. Thanks

  • Alma and Rocky aren’t really distros intended for casual use, they’re designed mainly with servers in mind. If you want an RHEL-based experience designed for a desktop, go with Fedora.

    I used CentOS for my servers during CentOS6/7, but since they moved to Stream I run my servers on Debian or Ubuntu instead.

  •  Sina   ( @Sina@beehaw.org ) 
    1610 months ago

    Unless the application specifically demands it, there is no point to use these over Debian. If Debian is lacking in something (a package is missing and cannot be fixed for example), then the answer is almost never going to be a Rhel clone. (Fedora could be)

  • Up until very recently, both Alma and Rocky were meant to be bug-for-bug duplicates of RHEL. Other than branding, there should be no difference at all between the three.

    So, as far as the software is concerned, they are enterprise grade. Support is may be another matter.

    Recently, Red Hat made it more difficult to create exact copies of RHEL. Without getting into it, Rocky has figured out how to continue while Alma has decided to be ABI compatible but give up on being an exact big-for-bug copy.

    I do not think either Alma or Rocky has had a release since the change so they should still be identical.

  • I am building a homelab for during college (4 years) and I don’t really feel like doing a release upgrade (ie: debian 11 to 12) in the middle of schooling or over a break when i wanna relax and just chill. Debian offers 2 years of support official, and like 4 extended (unluckily, the times didn’t align so if I picked debian I would have to upgrade during college),and Rocky/alma offer 4 years official and like 8 extended.

    I might be wrong (on phone rn), I recommend checking https://endoflife.date

    Big difference, big enough that this factor is the singular reason companies go with them. Not having to do release upgrades as frequently means less maintenance, means less costly.

  • I use Alma Linux on one of my production servers. It’s very stable. Never used Rocky Linux, but I would guess it’s also similar i.e enterprise grade.

    They were both created to replace CentOS, a free version of RHEL that Red Hat killed.

  •  s20   ( @s20@lemmy.ml ) 
    710 months ago

    I don’t see much point to enterprise distros unless you have a specific reason to use one, i.e. specific business or server applications. So unless you need it for that, you’re better off with a desktop Linux - Fedora if you want to stick with rhel’s sphere, Debian if you want super stable.

  •  NaN   ( @Bitrot@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
    610 months ago

    Both are meant to be close copies of RHEL. That is what makes them different than other distros. Red Hat will also give you a free developer license for 16 machines of actual RHEL, so that is also an option. By following RHEL, Rocky and Alma intend to be enterprise grade, they have long-term support.

    The main surface thing that differentiates Alma from Rocky is the default artwork. Otherwise there is governance stuff on the project itself.

    Red Hat itself, when installed with a GUI, is pretty much the definition of “every other GNOME system” since they keep it more or less vanilla.

  •  garam   ( @garam@lemmy.my.id ) 
    210 months ago

    I don’t like how CIQ taking away 30% of Red Hat Customer, that lead to Red Hat doing shit… Rocky shouldn’t done that in first place… and their brand, trademark are transferable to CIQ from RSEF… so I don’t know, I don’t have respect to Greg… after Rocky Fiasco… Red Hat did communicate about CentOS Stream long way before, and they already give signal in 2014/2015, but they burry it… and Greg profit a lot of it from RHEL Engineering, without even contribute much after the money gotten to his pocket… so… Welp call me greg hater, but I hate him so much… with his decision and his press release that make Red Hat always bad…