Wayfinder has plenty of potential, but it’s stretching the ‘early access’ label a little too far with this very, very rocky launch.

  • “Launch” and “Early Access” are mutually exclusive…can we collectively stop falling for this bait-and-switch?

    I have nothing against “early access” - per se - but let’s not forget what it is: an unfinished product in a pre-launch state. Do not be surprised (or angry for that matter) it might really suck if you are gullible enough to pay to play-test an unfinished game.

  • Honestly, I mostly don’t agree with the term “Early Access”, if you’re charging money for it, it’s released. If people are paying to play it and it’s in an incomplete, buggy state, then they’re not only beta testing and co-developing a title, they’re PAYING to do so. They’re paying to work, which is even worse than working for free.

    I don’t know many, if any games that are really worth doing this for (with exceptions like Larian Studios and Baldur’s Gate 3 and the Divinity Original Sin series) because most games honestly shouldn’t exist. There are way too many games and way too few people to play them. It’s similar to Movies, TV, and Music. Most of the creative media out there should not exist and have no customer base or interest.

    They’re not made so people can enjoy them, they’re made because of the creators’ desire to make them. It leads to the atrocious workplace conditions and exploitative labor the entertainment industry at large has, and why it’s so difficult to unionize or get fair wages, hours, or treatment. Even with the actually good games, there’s way too many for people to actually finish in their lifetime. Now add the mediocre and bad games, and it’s exponentially more impossible.

    • Good points, but Wayfinder was definitely made for people to enjoy. Best way I can put it is Amalur with Friends, or like Phantasy Star Universe with an indie comic book flair. I also wouldn’t say I’m paying to work or test the game: I bought in because I got to play in one of the betas and was sold on the gameplay and Airship Syndicate in general. As far as I’m concerned it’s the next Phantasy Star Online I actually wanted; after PSO2 was good, but its own thing.

      Right now it’s absolutely only a game for AS fans and people that got to play and have a concrete reason to believe in the game.