• This is the part that pisses me off the most. The cancer that is American politics is infecting our country. Now we got dumb fucks like Danielle Smith and PP crying about the “woke” agenda and other imported republican bullshit. Even worse, it’s working extremely well on the dumbest of our population and spreading like wildfire.

        Fuck America and their sports team politics. People need to realize it should be working class VS the rich, but they keep us distracted and divided with this dumb fucking culture war and the morons are lapping it up.

      •  Khotetsu   ( @Khotetsu@lib.lgbt ) 
        171 year ago

        One of the common data points used by organizations to rate a country as “third world” or not is the state of its infrastructure. In that department, the US is certainly closer to third world countries than we are to our European brethren. It’s been ignored and underfunded for so long that there are many places where it’s quite literally falling apart, and that’s not even getting into the state of public transit (or lack thereof) or how the single family suburb sprawl is slowly bleeding cities dry of their capital.

        There are other horrible things like parts of the US that have never had plumbing (Appalachia comes to mind) or things like the Flint, Michigan crisis (do they have drinkable water? I think as of last year they still didn’t. They might be able to take showers again, though, without causing permanent health issues for their kids). We have higher rates of women who die during childbirth than some third world countries. The quality of healthcare here is ranked the worst out of the first world nations while also being the most expensive. The wealthy go to Canada for prescriptions and surgery, or Mexico for dental work - Mexico apparently has better dentists than the US from what I’ve heard. We are #1 in number of incarcerated citizens per capita. The wealth disparity in the US today is supposedly worse than it was in France in the years just before the French Revolution, where the price of a loaf of bread was more than a day’s pay for the average worker. Upward class mobility (being born into a poor family and being able to become wealthy) is the lowest it’s been, I think, since the country was founded. A year or two before COVID happened, I was looking into starting a side business and found studies saying that a new business was more likely to fail today than in the Great Depression. If I remember the stats right, it was something like 40% of businesses fail in their first year, another 20% in their second year, and by year 4, 80% of new businesses have gone under.

        I’ve heard the US described as “a third world country in a Prada belt,” and I think it’s an apt description. Policy-wise, we’re closer to third world countries than we’d like to admit. We’ve just been living off the postwar economic boom from WW2 that centered the US as the world’s largest economy and wealthiest nation to ever exist. The sheer amount of money circulating in our economy has kept the nation chugging along through whatever stupid things the corporations and the politicians have done over the years.

      • It’s hyperbole brought to you by keyboard doomers who’ve never left their state much less their country. Talk to me when huge regions lack electricity or indoor plumbing.

        Anybody interested in seeing that can hop over the border to Tijuana and check out villages on hillsides essentially made from trash where all the buildings are particle board and cinder block. There’s shitty parts of the rural south, but to claim they’re the same demonstrates a profound lack of perspective. I dunno, maybe it’s gotten better since the late 90s when I was there, but there are degrees to these things.

        We can discuss America’s fascism problem without being ridiculous muppets and or Kremlin/CCP propaganda vehicles.

    • Well akchually the USA can never become a third world country, because the designations come from the cold war and first world means US aligned, second world means UdSSR aligned and third world are the neutral countries.

    • I’m sorry, man. I came back from America because if the healthcare, but now I avoid visiting my friends in NY/NJ/GA/WA/CA because of all the usual concerns – and me with so much privilege I need a boat or a Dodge ram.

      Stay safe. We’ll gain land in the 2029 water wars and you can either join us or join the independent states then.

  • And they should. If you aren’t going to California, Hawaii, or Massachusetts… you should be careful about vetting the state you plan on visiting. Things have gotten very nasty in “red states” over the last few years.

  • At first I thought that this sounds a little extreme, but then I remembered that even if you aren’t LGBTQ, you still need to watch out for the mass shootings. So being any kind of minority kind of ups your odds of being murdered.