99.9% of all institutions in my life are at best feudal orders, run by aristocrats so far removed from my life that they wouldn’t even know how to survive without their armies of servants, nannies, and assistants. Democracy needs to extend beyond the state. Democracy must be present in every part of our society, or it will, as it has now, inevitably become nothing more than another oligarchy for and by the rich.

Recommended readings:

Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.
Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon.
Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber.
Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti.
Neocolonialism by Kwame Nkrumah.
Anarchism and other Essays by Emma Goldman.

Recommendations from the comments:

/u/BallShapedMan - The Dictator’s Handbook by by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith

  • I have useless managers at work that like to try and bend the rules, and it gets hella on their nerves when I just outright ignore or argue with them because I know they’re wrong and that they can’t justify firing me. I recommend anyone else in that position humble those “above” them when possible.

    It’s wild, actually. I got away with saying “this is why no one likes you” to one because they were the instigator after I’d annoyed them enough. Like they went to the next level up in management over it and got told they were the one in trouble lmfao

  • Thank you for providing a reading list! People be like: “read theory”

    And then theory nerds be like: “what you wanna read theory? Don’t, it’s a waste of time, and unnecessary to be rhetorically effective”

    And I’m like :3

  • I work in continuous improvement, think Henry ford stuff.

    If the workers had their say nothing would improve and the business would be a disaster.

    “No not doing that” “why?” “Well we always did it this way and it works so we aren’t changing” " the other way has been proven to work better" “doesn’t matter we always done it this way so we aren’t changing”

    “We are working 9-5 no more shift work” “the machines will idle for 2/3rds of the day. That’s horribly inefficient and are products will be uncompetitive and we will get closed down”

    “We aren’t using that new machine” “why it is digital and uses machines to create accuracy 10x better than a person.” “I spent 40 years learning how to do it manually that’s the way I’m doing it and all the new kids are going to learn when I teach them”

    “Look at this machine it makes 10x the output as a traditional team” “no it uses 9 people instead of 10. Someone will get made redundant we aren’t using it”