•  Lezcubus   ( @Lezcubus@ani.social ) 
    2010 months ago

    I’m someone that’s up to date on the One Piece anime, so episode 1073. I’ve watched 3 episodes of the live action so far and I’ve actually been really enjoying it. It’s been hitting the major plot points of the anime/manga but taken decent liberties with a lot of the the smaller details and how things happen along the way. Also the characters don’t feel like an exact one to one match to their anime/manga counterparts but keep the general spirit of the characters while being entertaining in their own right. It hasn’t been moment for moment recreation of One Piece into live action but rather a proper adaptation of the spirit of One Piece to a live action format told in a way that people who are more fans of love action rather than anime will enjoy. If youre someone that watches and enjoys the anime, it’s a fun retelling of the first 60ish episodes and a great way to re-experience them as long as you don’t mind that the details will be different. If you’re someone that hasn’t seen One Piece or isn’t even a fan of anime it’s just a fun show in its own right and a great way to dip your feet into the world of One Piece.

  • I’ve always been interested in One Piece but just can’t commit to that long of a show. I wonder if they plan to tell the story more succinctly (which might be difficult since my understanding is the story isn’t finished yet). If they do, I might check this out

    •  girl   ( @girl@discuss.online ) 
      10 months ago

      I was really enjoying watching the anime with my brother, it was one of the only ways we could stand to be around each other lol, so I was actually glad it had 1000+ episodes. Then there was a drastic shift in the over-sexualisation. In the beginning there are crazy proportions and little clothing, sure, but it didn’t bother me much. Then suddenly every episode started featuring a woman’s shirt bursting open, or a guy would sexually harass/assault women in “funny” ways. Apparently the creator married a very busty woman and claimed all the extra focus on tits was a loving tribute to his new wife 🙄 I just couldn’t stand it anymore, which was a shame because I was still pretty invested in the story.

      •  Uli   ( @Uli@sopuli.xyz ) 
        210 months ago

        Seen about the first half of it so far and I really like it. I feel like it’s something I can recommend to friends who want to understand the appeal One Piece without having to slog through hundreds of episodes. I really hope it gets a season 2 so they can give the Arabasta arc a similar treatment.

  • If they’ve managed to make a decent live action adaptation of any Japanese media I’m impressed for them. Cowboy Bebop, the Resident Evil tv series come to mind as their mos trecent failings. I think One Pieces kind of cartooniness is something that can be adapted in live action so its good to see them actually do it.

  • Just snuck in a few minutes of Netflix and I don’t hate it. It watches very similarly to the manga. Minor spoiler, Luffy punches Alvida and she ragdolls very nicely so the effects budget is adequate.