Got banned from torrent leech after uninstalling theyr broken cracked softwares that i couldnt manage to run properly, dropping my ratio above 0.4… that’s a shame, my qbittorrent ratio is 5 and i quite seed anything untill i need more space on the drives. Any (free of course) alternatives ?

    •  zebus   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      You know… that’s not a bad idea, I just need a general tracker for dumb stuff that’s now allowed on my niche trackers such as cams, Usenet would be perfect for that… time to go down the rabbit hole and figure it all out again lol

      • Just a heads up that you probably shouldn’t install games/software from usenet. Pretty much anyone can upload anything they want to an indexer, and it’s usually the same thing that gets mirrored to other indexers as well. For movies/tv this generally doesn’t end up to be a problem but for anything you execute it could be dangerous

        For software I recommend you sign up to m0nkrus and for games you can either be safe with or find a way into GazelleGames

        • Getting into GGn might be tricky, but it’s definitely worth it and plenty of FL. Also very active even some obscure content gets regular seeders.

          For software, maybe add DigitalCore to that list. It’s better to use a site dedicated to software (like m0nkrus :3) then something like a general tracker with loose upload rules.

  • Got banned from torrent leech after uninstalling theyr broken cracked softwares that i couldnt manage to run properly, dropping my ratio above 0.4

    i quite seed anything untill i need more space on the drives

    Either you need to upgrade your hard drives to seed longer or you need to actually seed longer. You’re not going to survive at any private trackers if you keep removing torrents before meeting the tracker’s seed criteria.

    Re: Torrentleech they’ll re-open signups again, you could just wait until then & give it another go.

    There are other general private trackers just not sure what to recommend that is currently open registration right now. Keep an eye on and you might catch something open for signup.

    EDIT: Maybe DigitalCore? Not a member there but they are a general tracker and lists them as open signup right now.

  •  zebus   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Man the general trackers are such a shit show. Back in the day I had my TL ratio drop randomly and I logged in just to see there were a bunch of downloads logged to my account that weren’t me. Went in their IRC to point it out their shit was fucked and they got all defensive and tried to make it seem like I was trying to pull something malicious on them. I just quit the site out of spite after that and went inactive.

    Then I joined IPT which is sketch af, but then one day I just logged in to find my account was deleted and they wanted money or some shit to get a new one, so naturally I was outta there.

    … Now I just dont have a general tracker… I guess I should be paying attention to the suggestions here too lol

    I miss SCC

    • don’t use solidtorrents

      SolidTorrents / BitSearch are great sites for finding torrents, just keep in mind they use a DHT crawler to find and index random torrents found via the bittorrent DHT network. None of those torrents are being verified as virus/malware free. This is true of all public torrent indexers that use a DHT crawler.

      Probably shouldn’t download binaries/executables/installers via public torrents but they’re usually fine for media file types.