To her fans, Lich is a proud Canadian, a lioness of the movement behind the “Freedom Convoy” protests and the target of a justice system that won’t abide her anti-government beliefs. For the combined 49 days she spent in jail, first after her initial arrest during the 2022 demonstrations and again following an alleged bail breach last summer, she was in their eyes a “political prisoner.” It’s a title she, too, has embraced.

To the Crown, Lich is a nefarious actor who deliberately helped lead blockades that tormented residents, defied police orders, shuttered businesses and pushed the country to a state of national emergency.

  • Summary: A small group of Canadians have been duped into believing a delusional criminal is some sort of modern day folk hero. The ruse works, average citizens are paying her legal fees while she rides around on a horse waving the Canadian, further disparaging the very country she claims to love.


    • @MapleEngineer

      WOW Criminal is such a strong word, for protesting for what she believes in. One can argue she’s wrong etc., etc., but many Canadians believe in some of what she believes in.
      We’ve got to solve our problems, but yelling and accusing the other side seldom helps.

      Maybe our country should be broken up, I don’t know, but everything should be on the table for peaceful discussion. There’s too much disparity between what the urbanites think as opposed to more rural areas, as well as differences between the Golden Horseshoe with the rest of Canada, which IIRC has a huge majority of our population. So, we’re not homogeneous.


      • Not “peaceful”.

        There was nothing “peaceful” about the constant honking, the threats and intimidation, the insults and slurs. There was nothing peaceful about the harassment of small business that resulted in hundreds shutting down for three weeks putting thousands of hourly workers, many working paycheque to paycheque, with families to support out of work.

        Everyone knows that when a child screams at the top of its lungs and refuses to move until it gets its way that it’s throwing a temper tantrum. That’s what the “protest” in Ottawa was. A bunch of full grown children throwing down, honking their horns and refusing to move until they got their way. They were tantrumists and they got spanked. Tammy Lich is going to get spanked harder than most.

        I think that if you step out of your echo bunker and look around that the “many Canadians” you believe support her are actually a small, delusional minority. The rest of us are done with this fucking tantrumist false patriot bullshit.

        • The rest of us are done with this fucking tantrumist false patriot bullshit.

          Yes. This. As a Canadian living abroad, it was embarrassing. My American colleagues take so much crap… So much… Starting with Bush, then Trump, now the entire cast of wild nutters. Plus, all of my colleagues know my father is a trucker (wasn’t involved with the protest)… The convoy hurt the image of Canada, Lich and Co. made us look like illiterate bumpkins. They could all be Mensa geniuses, it doesn’t matter, the international press put a spin on the whole ordeal that made Canadians look like South Park characters.

          • My wife’s best friend’s husband is a long haul trucker. Like most Candian truckers he was vaccinated and working when the tantrumists were throwing their tantrum. He thought that they were fucking idiots. The big companies said that they would move unvaccinated drivers to Canadian routes.

          • If you think that Canadians support the tantrumist bullshit then you definitely do live in an echo chamber. You really should stop reading Chinese and Russian anti-Canadian propaganda masquerading as extreme right wing “news” and come back to the center.

            Lich is an idiot. She said, “If we had been there with an agenda to take over Ottawa and overthrow the government, we could have done it.” A bunch of northern hillbillies with a hundred big rigs were going to overthrow the government of Canada. What a bunch of fucking nonsense. That would have ended in one of only two ways: They would have ended up in prison or they would have ended up dead. They are a bunch of delusional children who share a ridiculous collective fantasy. Save yourself before you buy their bullshit book, line, and sinker. Or are you already too far gone?

      • Frankly I’m tired of all this “both sides” bullshit and treating every belief and opinion as equal to any other. Her “side” has shown they are not interested in honest dialogue and only seem to care about bullshit conspiracies.

        While I think we should put in an effort to listen to everyone, we’re well past the point of these screeching morons having any validity.

        We don’t invite flat earthers to geology conferences just because they have some belief or opinion.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    To her fans, Lich is a proud Canadian, a lioness of the movement behind the “Freedom Convoy” protests and the target of a justice system that won’t abide her anti-government beliefs.

    To the Crown, Lich is a nefarious actor who deliberately helped lead blockades that tormented residents, defied police orders, shuttered businesses and pushed the country to a state of national emergency.

    A court document shows Moiz Karimjee, the assistant Crown attorney who was the senior prosecutor for many of the bail hearings related to the convoy, was reading the book while preparing for the trial.

    Convoy participant Bethan Nodwell said that seeing Lich appear on Peterson’s show this summer only increased her legitimacy as a public figure who is now in the “big leagues” of what supporters call the “freedom” or “patriot movement.”

    She had already helped bring a group of truckers to Parliament Hill a few years earlier to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s environmental policies, which is when her political activism took root.

    Lich has told audiences this summer that the legal bills for her court battle are being provided by The Democracy Fund, a civil liberties charity focused on helping those who opposed COVID-19 restrictions.

    The original article contains 1,399 words, the summary contains 199 words. Saved 86%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!