• Who the hell thinks beta software is appropriate for real-world applications in something as dangerous as vehicle control at highway speeds?

    I’ve come to believe that all Teslas should be recalled until they get their act together. They’re getting people hurt and killed by field testing their experiments on roadways that we paid for.

    • While I agree, let’s not pretend like this is limited just to Tesla. My feed lately has had numerous stories of crazy FSD taxis as well.

      I also have to say that one of my concerns with FSD is the deterioration in people’s driving skills and their awareness of their car’s abilities (especially as those change over time). Leaving aside all the wisecracks about people’s normal abilities or not paying attention anyway, let’s take a snowstorm. FSD can’t drive in it, so you’re left with regular human drivers going manual in their cars. But they haven’t actually driven themselves in a while, so they’ve forgotten some of the lessons they learned like how to apply the brakes differently in ice and snow, they don’t know where the corners of their car are, they’re driving entirely too fast and - because their FSD car was compensating for mechanical issues - they’re not aware that their tires are near-bald and the brakes are iffy.

      Thing is, I know this is something that’s going to happen. I just don’t know how we can mitigate the risks.

    • You do realise not everyone has access to FSB Beta right? It’s just a select bunch of users and you’re forced to have always your hand close to the steering wheel otherwise it will deactivate.

  • My GF had a tesla, we turned it in yesterday after the lease was up because Elon is terrible. But I had simmiliar experinces with the FSD THE ONE AND ONLY TIME I tried using it. I was drifting lanes almost immediately and making a dangerously wide turn in an intersection. I seriously almost hopped the curb a few times. We disabled it entirely after we parked.

    FSD absolutely is not ready. Not even close. Wildly reckless that is being deployed.

    •  Joker   ( @Joker@beehaw.org ) 
      81 year ago

      It’s awful and it feels like it has gotten worse. FSD is the second worst purchase I have ever made, a hot tub being the first. We bought our Tesla and my wife loves it so we will have it for a while. The motors and batteries are excellent with Tesla, but everything else is mediocre at best. Without a doubt, it will be the last one we own if I have my way. Elon is a con man.

  • In the meantime, please always use Autopilot and FSD Beta as intended, which means with your hands on your steering wheels and your eyes on the road.

    This isn’t how people work if you aren’t driving then your reactions will on average be substantially slower than if you were attending to the task directly and you have no reason to expect the sudden death wish. If you have to babysit it with your hands on the wheel poised to avert death at any moment it is fact much worse than nothing.

  •  ExLisper   ( @ExLisper@linux.community ) 
    1 year ago

    “OMG! This buggy software almost killed me! Let’s try that again.” Idiot.

    Like seriously, maybe Elon will see this article and have it fixed in a day or two. Great, you’re risking your life to do beta testing and you’re doing it for free. I’m sure he appreciates it.