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Have you ever used git bisect? If so, how did you use it? Did it help you find a problem which would otherwise be difficult to find? Story time, I guess?

  •  embix   ( ) 
    102 years ago

    4-5 times now. When confronted with more than a hundred commits between latest known working version and the one you’ve observed the bug (which was not catched by any of the unit tests) it can save some time to find the fishy commit.

    In such a case I create a testcase on top to reproduce the bug. Then bisect and for each stage add the testcase, build, run tests. FYI: this only works if all (or at least most) of the commits in the chain are compilable - if you’ve done a big messy refactoring with several commits breaking the build, bisect can get you only so far.

  •  liori   ( ) 
    72 years ago

    Yes, many times. And I recall using the technique manually back when I was working with Subversion many, many years ago. No fun stories though, sorry, it’s just another tool in a toolbox.

  • Quite a few times, sure. git bisect is a specific case of a more general technique – binary search fault localization – which comes in handy every once in a while (you can go a long while without needing it, but when you do need it, you’ll be thankful for it). If you can’t otherwise trace where in the code something is going wrong, bisect the code: comment or remove half of it out, see if it reproduces (therefore localizing it to either the removed or the remaining half), and repeat. If you’re working with some software that’s breaking on your config after a major version bump, bisect your config. Don’t have an idea what introduced a bug into your branch? git bisect.

  •  embix   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    Seems like most of the answers are on another instance and my client does not show them here. For those having the same problem: check here.

    Federation is fun and all, but having “the same” sub on multiple instances does not make it easier atm.

  •  o11c   ( ) 
    22 years ago

    It’s mostly relevant for a project you’re not familiar with (perhaps it is/was someone else’s project, or perhaps a project that’s too large for a single user to be familiar with the entirety of), since it helps you figure out where a bug came from.

    If you’re familiar with the entire project you usually don’t need it IME.

  • The few times I have used git bisect, it has been on projects with no automated tests where the reported issue last worked far in the past. It isn’t my first option, but it is what I turn to if I can’t figure out what the correct internal state for some portion of what triggers the issue is supposed to be, saving a lot of time I could have spent banging my head into a wall.

  •  JackbyDev   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I don’t need it often but the sort of problem it solves is very hard to solve otherwise. It is useful for when you know something is wrong and you have an easy way to check if the problem is there but when you don’t know what the actual cause of the problem is.

    The most obvious usage is for checking if the build passes. This is something easy to do with tools but hard to know why (or when) it began to fail.

  • I certainly have! Although I can count on two hands how many times I’ve used it, it has proven to be extremely powerful when trying to pin-point changes that introduced non-trivial bugs. Specifically if the time-span of when the bug was introduced it is very useful to quickly sift through commit history.

  • Usually when theres a “mystery” bug on something that already worked before. Spending half a day running the build script over and over again, is still faster than debugging in different parts of the codebase with the hope of finding some hint.

  •  dudinax   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    No, but I once wrote my one git bisect without realizing git bisect existed.

    I used it to track down a commit that caused an old bug. The commit didn’t pop out on a cursory check, and I was getting lost in tracking the test results.