• No kidding. You aren’t making friends sitting in a car in traffic. If anything you’re probably more likely to road rage and be more stressed and angry.

    Walking also just makes me feel better when I get a chance.

    • Walking beside the 6 lane road yesterday. Traffic was backed up as always. Seeing all cars, mostly with just the driver. I wondered if in the horse & cart days if people talked to each other as the traveled along on their horse. Or crossed paths. I bet they did.

      Instead today, everyone isolated in their box.

  • Oh yeah. We didn’t really get to know our neighbors until we adopted a dog and were out walking him regularly.

    Also, I have an RV and we spend a lot of time in campgrounds. Same thing there - it’s nothing to chat with some random stranger for 15-20 minutes. Usually the conversations center around where we’re going, where we’ve been, where home is, and so on. Then we never see them again, usually. Occasionally we form longer term friendships.

  • Was literally just having a conversation with friends about loneliness and depression, and I cited studies about people knowing their neighbors less now than in the past and we agreed that suburban sprawl and car-centric city planning was a factor. Good timing to see this!