Democracy at work.

  • Fucking scary how quickly people are willing to denounce a protest, just because it causes slight inconvenience for the everyday citizen. THAT IS THE FUCKING POINT! We’re so addicted to convenience, and the only way people will wake up from their consumption-hypnosis, is through forced inconvenience.

  • I honestly believe blocking roads the most effective way to protest in today’s society.

    It’s one of the few ways that’s dreamed “illegal” to protest. And most governments will do anything in it’s power to clear the roads, including imprison people.

    People need to realize that being late to work doesn’t actually matter, but the state of the climate does. We need more road blocks. Some without people too, just barricades.

  •  sjmulder   ( ) 
    10 months ago

    Be aware that street blockade are not, as a rule, categorically excluded as a valid way of protesting and that this stretch to road is not in fact a highway - a sign says a much and the speed limit is 50km/h. There are traffic lights at both ends and detours are just a few 100 meters.

    Furthermore the public prosecutor doesn’t charge the protestors because judges have ruled repeatedly that these are peaceful and orderly protests and hence people are acquitted or not sentenced.

  • Police said that they’re fine that they’re protesting the system, but that they wish it didn’t involve them having to act. They don’t realize that they’re part of the system…

  •  lntl   ( ) 
    10 months ago Thought you’d be interested in this story: dutch folks were protesting fossil fuel subsidies and got water cannoned. All of this fossil fuel subsidy money could build out carbon free energy generation and transmission.

    • Yeah, the level of state investment and subsidy in fossil fuel is absolutely ludicrous. If all of the money spent on subsidising fossil fuels was instead put into investment of renewables, that would DOUBLE the investments on renewables. It wouldn’t double the subsidy, it would double TOTAL SPENDING.

      That is absolutely eye-watering to me.

      If they want to keep fuel prices low, the best thing to do would be to nationalise all corporations in the fossilfuel industry - with a symbolic payment of $0.01 per share or something like that - and run them to completely forego profit and to put those companies intentionally into decline.