There exist a few linux hardware vendors (laptops, pcs, phones) out there. Is the community using them?

See for vendors

  • I have a System76 Lemur Pro 10, while the hardware quality is poor (poor speakers, poor quality chassis, poor trackpad), it has been pretty solid otherwise for the last 4 years, with PopOS as my daily driver which I really love.

    For work, I use a 2019 MacBook which has great hardware, but I am not a fan of MacOS. Will soon ask for upgrade to an M1. (My perfect laptop would be Apple hardware running PopOS).

    My next laptop will likely be a Framework laptop unless System76 rolls out their own hardware which is much much improved than their current lot. I hope my current laptop will probably last 2-3 more years, if not more. (btw I use Steam Deck for gaming needs)

  • I have a framework laptop for work and I build my own desktops for personal use (mostly gaming). When I was in college I used to spend days getting things working on laptops, usually having to build a custom kernel or making custom configuration for sound. I don’t have the patience anymore.

      • Yes, I have the framework laptop because it’s designed to be Linux compatible. I put pop_os on it and everything just worked with no tweaking.

        My employer didn’t truly provide it. Using Linux is one of my hiring requirements and they told me to provide my own machine. But employers should really look at framework machines if they want something repairable.

          • Not currently in the open source space, although that is a possibility in the near future. But all the software I’ve made in the last several years targeted Linux anyway (except for UIs but those are web or react native). I reached the point where I was tired of dealing with windows and macOS at work. So I switched jobs and started making this a requirement. I ask about it in the first interview with any possible employer.

            Probably not something you want to do when you’re a Jr Dev, but props if you can convince them. When you become a sr/principal/architect level most employers give you a lot of flexibility.

            • Aaay, another person with the requirement. In Europe is not easy to find employers willing to pay for linux laptops. Macs are a selling point here “tired of windows? join us and you get a brand new mac!”. It feels like a management thing: they are non-technical and get to make technical decisions. It’s a problem here as most European companies haven’t yet developed a “pure developer” career path. They go strong on the Peter Principle to add management duties to developer positions and it’s mostly the only way to jump onto a new step on the salary scale.

              Anyway, congrats on finding an employer willing to accept the linux requirement.

  • HP 255 G7 laptop because I got it tor Christmas. It works fine. At least on the OS side. UEFI will reset your boot entries should you boot anything from external drive. You can use Bootice (Windows) or efibootmgr (GNU+Linux) to put the correct boot entries back.

    Running Windows, the laptop had issues with HDD powering down and up repeatedly when the screen turned off and laptop wasn’t on charger. This wasn’t issue with power settings, and searching web I wasn’t the only one having this issue. The WiFi was also less reliable on Windows.

    Running GNU+Linux, it depends. Linux Mint: All works.
    Manjaro: Previously the WiFi card could just die, requiring restart. This stopped occuring about a year ago. But now there’s a new issue. Internal USB hub spontaneously dying (rarely also affects external ports) when using Bluetooth (connected on internal USB hub) requiring a restart. The likelihood of that increases if you switch to TTY.

          • I can’t describe how a good keyboard feels. You just have to try it.

            DVDs, that’s the only way I am willing to buy movies. Otherwise, I’ll just pirate them. There may be cool extras, but also it’s just different being able to physically handle something. If I had a BluRay drive, I would be buying movies on that too. But also it seems like a nice way to do backups. BDXL gives you 100GB, which is fair enough, and I am pretty sure it can outlive flash storage if stored properly.

            • I can’t describe how a good keyboard feels. You just have to try it.

              Understood. For me, a good keyboard is one that’s quiet, doesn’t stick, allows knowing where my fingers are, and split --> not a laptop keyboard. Most laptop keyboards are relatively quiet, but quiet desktop keyboards are hard to find. Took me 10 years.

              DVDs, that’s the only way I am willing to buy movies.

              Interesting. I didn’t know DVD and BluRay drives still existed, much less the their media was being sold at all. You must have a lot of physical storage space. How do you organise them and quickly find what you want to watch? Do you have a system?

  •  xchino   ( ) 
    210 months ago

    I’m using a SteamDeck as my desktop environment while docked, I think it’s the only “Linux first” machine I’ve ever bought. All of my other systems I either built from scratch, a mish-mash of secondhand parts and purchased upgrades, or have been provided with through work.

  •  nyan   ( ) 
    210 months ago

    Built my own desktop around a Threadripper 1900X I got a fairly good price on several years ago. It’s supplemented by an ancient HP laptop that originally shipped with Windows Vista Home Basic. Both run Gentoo (yes, even though that laptop has no more grunt than a Pi3).

    I’m still considering what the replacement for that ancient, cranky laptop will be when it finally gives up the ghost, since it’s used more as a media consumption device than anything else.

      •  nyan   ( ) 
        210 months ago

        I’ve been considering the PineTab as an option, yes. Didn’t know about the Starlite, probably because it seems to be from the other side of the Atlantic. Hmm. My problem with premade tablet devices is that they’re significantly smaller than the 17" display built into that junk laptop—the small screens may be higher resolution, but as I get older, I find I get more benefit from the larger absolute size. That and I don’t like touchscreens. The front-running replacement option at the moment is to cobble something together from a Pi4 or other Linux SBC, a portable display, and a few other parts, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. Or just pick up another used laptop from somewhere.

        Does having Gentoo help the laptop limp along? Probably to some extent, but it still has the original HDD in it, so that probably slows it down more than having bespoke binaries helps.

  •  Wolfram   ( ) 
    10 months ago

    I have an all AMD system made of a Ryzen 5800 OEM, 48GB of memory and a 6900 XT. I’ve been using Linux almost exclusively for more than a few months and thankfully AMD hardware runs better on Linux that it did for me on Windows. Though I may add an nVidia GPU to the mix for VFIO fun for a no-compromises setup if I need something from Windows.

    I also have a homelab machine with a 13900K ES and 32GB of memory. A 13900K is overkill but it has good single core performance for a gaming server and running docker services at the same time.