The final release of the GNOME 45 desktop environment is expected on September 20th, 2023.

Not long to go now. :)

I always look forward to new Gnome releases, and I still switch back and forth between Plasma and Gnome all the time…

    • I was always a GNOME guy. Not sure why really, maybe it was the state of KDE3 vs GNOME2. Never really looked at KDE again and assumed there is a reason all the popular distros pick GNOME. then 3 years ago I tried KED, and was blown away. Now I’ve completely flipped my position on it.

        •  Vinegar   ( ) 
          10 months ago

          Gnome provides a more consistent user experience because Gnome apps usually have fewer features and don’t offer many customization options by default. KDE apps usually have a lot of settings and customization options, but the user interface might be a little less intuitive or you may have to search in a settings menu to find what you’re looking for.

          In my experience Gnome is pretty, intuitive, and well integrated, but I tend to settle on KDE Plasma because KDE apps often have more advanced functionality and more options for configuration. If you’re the type who likes to explore device/app settings to configure things exactly how you want, then consider KDE Plasma. If you’d rather have a minimal but consistent experience out-of-the-box without any tinkering then Gnome is probably the better choice for you.

          •  1984   ( ) OP
            610 months ago

            For me, Plasma is awesome but I can usually find some bugs in a few days of using it. Gnome is usually rock solid, although there has been times when it also has been buggy.

            I switch back and forth a lot and it adds to the fun I think.

        • Honestly for me it’s very subjective. With GNOME, I need to install and configure a lot of extensions to get it to work the way I like. I was surprised how many of these small tweaks and features are already part of KDE. Out of the box it’s a lot closer to what I want and the rest of the small customizations I want are just right there in KDE as options.

          With GNOME extensions I always have to wonder “which crappy extension broke now, and what is the new one everyone is moving to/how to fix it”.

          Just generally a lot less headache for me. I also could swear it’s more performant and generally feels snappier, but it’s so hard to tell on modern fast hardware anyway.

        • GNOME = iOS where they make decisions for you
          KDE = Android where it’s completely customizable

          Based on my (limited) experience, Gnome is especially well suited for people new to Linux or inundated with too much to worry about customizing a DE.

          Personally, my desktop runs KDE and I’ve spent hours researching/customizing it, while my laptop which is a glorified web browser, runs GNOME