• https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-twitter-inc-technology-business-b0a0f7e64c4616780459f012d172b1c9

      One reason why Musk bought Twitter this week is because he had little choice. The world’s richest man spent months trying to back out of the $44 billion purchase agreement he originally signed in April. But the uncertainty was so disruptive to Twitter’s business that it sued him in the Delaware Court of Chancery to force the deal’s completion, and a judge gave a Friday deadline to complete the deal or face a November trial that Musk was likely to lose.

      This is all bullshit. Self-aggrandizing lies to give the appearance that this massive failure was all in the plan. The guy was trying to play games with stocks and got caught. He’s a dumbass with no idea how the business he didn’t want to own but was forced to buy in the end works. It’s not deeper than that.

      I’m sure his daughter hating him is very upsetting but it’s not why he set 40 billion dollars on fire.

      • Why not both? Because you’re absolutely right that he got fucked on a bad gamble and then tried to save face, but I can also easily see him trying to buy stuff just to stick it to the left. (But in all reality again you’re probably pretty solely right lol)

  • This “technology” community is quickly becoming just as bad as the one on reddit.

    The insane ravings and personal drama of a lunatic billionaire isn’t news about technology.

    Even news about Twitter itself isn’t technology news. Twitter is a business that sells services. They don’t make or contribute to any types of technology.

    The only thing that Twitter technology related is that their business operates on the internet. That’s it. Chewy.com or NYTimes.com is just as much “technology” as Twitter is.

  • This is revisionist, that sequence of events was what caused him to start to play footsie with the idea of buying Twitter, the SEC saying that’s a big no-no is what made him actually make the offer to buy it and then he was forced by a court to finish the deal after a long legal battle to not buy it

  • Mr Musk had initially rushed to embrace the news when Jenna, formally known as Xavier, transitioned at age 16.

    To me this suggests that he first thought it would seem hip and contrarian to support his trans daughter, then he realized that actually the people he considers hip and contrarian are all about hating on trans kids now, and so swiftly pivoted to doing that. (I don’t imagine he had any strong feelings about his daughter as a person either way - it’s not like he was around for her childhood changing diapers or whatever)

  • Guys, he’s not that bad…

    He’s only a money hoarding billionaire who came from a glut of generational wealth obtained through other’s suffering via his father’s Emerald mine, which Musk vehemently denies exists in order to build up his image of being self-made.

    I mean it’s not like his father used that wealth to boost him up by being among the first angel investors in his first company, ZIP2, something else which he vehemently denies to keep up his self-made image.

    It’s not like he went on to use the money he got from selling ZIP2 to become an early angel investor “co-founder” of X.com, which he then essentially forced the actual founders out of before selling that onwards as well.

    It’s not like he then went onto use almost the exact tactic to force/sue his way into being a “co-founder” of Tesla.

    And it’s definitely not like he had a friend get appointed Administrator of NASA, who conveniently decided to award SpaceX almost $300 million, despite them not having flown any rockets yet.

    His daughter is obviously worried about nothing, and he just needed to prove her wrong by cack-handedly buying out the platform she used to speak out in order to control her in the name of free speech.

  • I’ve hypothesized before that he just bought Twitter to destroy a platform for “woke” people, but it’s still weird reading it out like this. This whole thing reads like destroying one of the biggest social media platforms while wasting billions of dollars is about the same level of investment for him as buying a new phone is for me. Not insignificant, but also something he just does on a whim. And honestly I think his daughter will not exactly like him more after this lol. Rich cunts like Elon buying whatever they fancy just to gain more power is exactly what she’d hate if the article is to be believed.

  • Being rich implies you are evil. If you were good, you would give back to the people who create your wealth.

    A good person understands they are not entitled to that much money with so much bad things in the world nor need it in the first place to live a decent live.

  • “Unless the woke mind virus, which is fundamentally anti-science, anti-merit, and anti-human in general, is stopped, civilisation will never become multi-planetary,” Mr Musk told Mr Isaacson.

    A meme representing Edgar Allan Poe in two panels. In the second panel, the words "what the fuck am I reading?" appear.

    “If you want to just be a niche player an iconic name, PayPal is a better name, But if you want to take over the world’s financial system it to be impossible to reliably websearch and talk about outside a very specific context, then X is the better name.”

    Fixed that for you.

    There’s a reason why people still call it Twitter, you know.

    He said in April: “Twitter could become what X.com should have been, and we can help save free speech in the process.”

    And a potato could become a bell pepper to save my gulasch. Sadly it won’t because reality doesn’t magically revolve around my belly button, and it wouldn’t even if I were rich. So instead I’m making some curry.

    Musk should learn to cook.

    Mr Musk suggested charging people to be verified to eliminate bots, bring in cash and help transform it into a payments platform - fulfilling his “original vision” for X.com

    Ignorance on the nature of his own platform. Even if you demanded a single cent out of it, saner people won’t put their credit card info there, simply because they want to reduce the amount of data that you can vulture out of them.

    In other words he flushed the baby alongside the dirty bathtub water.

    Mr Agrawal had tried to resign. // “But we beat him,” said Mr Musk’s lawyer, Alex Spiro.

    TIL Musk behaves like an internet shitposter.

  • Ever think how ironic it is that people who didn’t care about an actual virus and downplayed it and any attempts to mitigate it for two years are now obsessed over the “woke mind virus” which is totally made up?

    •  prole   ( @prole@beehaw.org ) 
      31 year ago

      I’ve just seen it as more projection on their part.

      Because there is a mind-virus that’s been infecting our political discourse, but it’s not what they’re referring to.