Could be translated from english to another language you speak or translate to english from another language

  • From English to French: the Discworld series, translated by Patrick Couton. They’re what made me want to become a translator in the first place.

    From Tamil to English, Women Dreaming by Salma. From Chinese to English, Strange Beasts of China. Pretty much all of Tilted Axis Press’s works, actually, and Charco Press for LATAM has some wonderful stuff too.

  • The accursed kings by Maurice Druon, translated by Humphrey Hare Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, translated by Edward FitzGerald In a Dark Wood Wandering by Hella S. Haasse, translated by Lewis C. Kaplan Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney …among others

  • La Disparition by George Perec in French, translated to English as A Void. Neither version uses the letter ‘e’. I think the French original is better since the translator had to cheat a bit with the numbers (5 and 26 appear frequently for self-referential reasons, and when spelled in French don’t use e, but are translated as numerals.) but was still impressed. I read the side-by-side translated version, although I’m only marginally literate in French.

  • Spanish to English:

    100 years of solitude

    Love in the Time of Cholera

    Japanese to English:

    The Tale of Genji

    Russian to English:

    The Master and Margarita (one of my all time favourites.)

    In The First Circle (the recent uncensored edition)

  • All in English because I’m an Anglo moron who only speaks one language.

    Crime and Punishment (Ready translation)

    The Stranger (Ward translation)


    Literally anything by Hermann Hesse (maybe my favorite author)

  •  davefischer   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    The Lunar Trilogy by Jerzy Zulawski. And it’s a terrible translation (as far as I can tell without being able to read the original Polish). It’s very rough, sloppy english, and filled with trivial errors. However, the original story still shines through, and it seems like the translator mostly stuck with the original phrasing, resulting in awkward english, but an interesting view of the original. So… fine. (It’s the basis for my favorite movie, and it was a long wait to get any translation at all.)

    I’ve read the Vietnamese classic Tale of Kieu in two translations, one trying to stick to the original language closer than the other, and it’s an interesting comparison.

    Other favorites:

    The Obscene Bird of Night, The Baron in The Trees, Collected stories of Bruno Schulz, Collected stories of Daniil Kharms

    • The Baron in the Trees is so good! (I disagree with the title translation to English, because the Italian title is less precise and can be interpreted as “the out of control baron” too)