House Republicans unveiled a budget blueprint proposing trillions in spending cuts over 10 years, targeting steep reductions to Medicaid and food assistance programs. The plan seeks $2 trillion in Medicaid cuts and $800 billion from SNAP. It also calls for establishing a commission to propose changes to Social Security and Medicare. Democrats criticized the proposal as pushing “cruel cuts” that will hurt access to healthcare and raise costs for many. If enacted, the budget would slash nearly $5 trillion from discretionary spending and $9 trillion from mandatory programs over a decade. However, the proposal is unlikely to become law given Democratic control of the Senate. The resolution indicates Republicans remain committed to large cuts across many public services and low-income programs.

      • Only? The US accounts for 40% of all military spending in the world. We are at nearly 3 times second place, China, $876 billion to $290 billion. Considering the US has the most billionaires and compilation of billionaire wealth, I really don’t think GDP is the great earmark you are portraying it as.

        • And? We only have the largest gdp and a professional army.

          GDP is the standard used.

          Look at Ukraine and you will see the money has been well spent. A small country has been able to fight off a previous super power for over a year.

          That’s only with a 3% spend. So I fully support the military as it also paid for my education.

          • GDP isn’t the end-all be-all for economic performance. Consider that real estate also contributes to GDP, and we have been getting some fucking expensive housing in recent years. It doesn’t equate to more money, so it’s effectively padding our GDP. All GDP does is give a rough estimation of how much a country is valued at best, and at worst it’s a padding game to show who has the biggest number.

            If you want a good indicator for how well a country is doing economically, CPI is a better start than GDP - which, by the way, China is fucking decimating the US in that regard. Their reported CPI is around 100 points while the US is at around 300 points. You generally want lower CPI as it indicates inflation if it’s super high like the US.

        • Subtract the “defense” costs that are paid for by other means in most of the world (healthcare, education, medical research), adjust the rest for purchasing power parity, and get back to me on that.

      • We spend 3.5% of our GDP on defense and that’s actually far more than most countries. We have the 6th highest GPD to military spending ratio in the world. The countries who spend more of their GDP are relativity tiny. They amount to 11% of the total global spending on defense vs the USA’s 39%.

        The second largest GDP is China- they spend 1.6% of their GDP on defense. Third is Japan @ 1.1%… You get the idea.

        Regarding the 2% NATO obligation- most members don’t make it so it doesn’t seem to be a real obligation.

    • Also Republicans:

      Folks, let me tell you, Jesus was a great guy, the best. When he started preaching, the people loved him. Tremendous crowds. Nobody got crowds like Jesus. Sadly, the fake news media of the time didn’t want to cover him. They said he was a radical. Can you believe it?

      When Pontius Pilate, not a good guy, said he found no guilt in Jesus, the crowd went crazy. They wanted Barabbas released instead, a real criminal. Total loser. Pilate should have stood up to them. Weak! In the end, they crucified our Lord and Savior. A total witch hunt. It was a perfect resurrection, many are saying the best. Many people are still talking about it.

      Can you believe the apostles? Losers, everyone said. But they went out and started this little religion. Now, two thousand years later, it’s the biggest deal in the world. Paul went all over spreading the word. A real worker. They didn’t have planes back then, can you believe it? He walked everywhere.

      The Bible folks, it’s a great book, the best. People are always asking me, they say, “Sir, what’s your favorite book?” And I say the Bible. It’s got the best stories, the best morals. Nobody knows the Bible like me. I know it better than anybody.

      I’ll leave it at that. The New Testament, it’s something very special. I’m proud to be a Christian.

      (Courtesy of GPT)

  • How about we cut the salaries of all elected officials in DC to zero? They don’t work for us so why should they get paid out of our tax dollars? They get paid plenty by whoring themselves to the highest bidder.

    • Because this only harms the ones who aren’t corrupt and doesn’t do anything for the ones who are corrupt.

      What they should be doing is getting rid of lobbying and disallowing corporate and business interests in politics, but we fucked that up decades ago, so I’ll settle for forcing politicians to wear tracksuits that have patches from every single person and company that had paid them.

    • No.

      The elected officials who actually give a shit about you and are trying to help aren’t millionaires and this will severely impact them.

      The elected officials who don’t give a shit if you die starving in the gutter are already millionaires and won’t give a shit about their salary.

    • The solution is to create a system where their political prostitution is both illegal and unnecessary.

      That’s the only way you get to shift politicians into working for “the people” and not their backers.

      Obviously not a guarantee, but if they could stop spending 40% of their time worrying about being re-elected and financing their re-election that would probably be a boon. Maybe they could even read some of the legislation they’re passing.

      Even after fixing this issue you have the other one where you have a shitload of politicians which seems to be members of a cult, not a political organization and millions of Americans voting for them.

  • Is this the same GOP that’s worried about losing ‘trillions and trillions of dollars’ over ‘a tiny fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere’ in the name of climate change? They truly are a bunch of devilish scumbags without whom the world would be infinitely more pleasant.