• I’d just be happy if there was a way to restore my messages from Android to iOS (or vice-versa). I’m going to lose my messages from the past 4 years because of this. And it’s been an open request with the devs for 5 years now.

    • Yeah, they seem to put a lot of energy into esoteric features, when the app is in serious need of some quality of life improvements. I donate a tiny monthly sum to the project and honestly feel conflicted about how effectively it’s being used.

      • Like the checking for messages notification on Android, I use notification reminder app to remind me of missed messages (ring every 5 minutes) and sometimes randomly in the middle of the night Signal creates a notification that says “checking for messages” and it stays there for a while getting my notification remjnder to think there is an unread message and ringing in the middle of the night. I can’t turn off notifications I might need to be waken up for important stuff.

        • I think it might have a good reason to post that notification. Android kills apps that are doing background operations for too long without also posting a persistent notification about it.

          You can disable the notification channel corresponding to that kind of notification, though. I’m not totally sure if that way your other app won’t see it either, but I think it’s worth a try.

    • Plus this refusal to allowing Chats to Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger now that EU forced meta to open this up…

      I know the devs are not happy about meta tracking everything on their end but why can’t this be a users choice to enable communication with no-signal servers as well?

      • Did Signal devs openly refuse making use of that? Honestly I think it’s understandable.

        They are marketing the app as a very-very secure messaging app, but all the security with no exception would go out of the window if you were to send or receive a message from messenger.
        And they are also making it very-very easy, because - as bad as it sounds - a lot of people don’t understand what is encryption, what are platforms, and they don’t even care to get to know about it, and because of that, these users would have no idea that their chats with messenger users is not encrypted.

        • Well I didn’t found anything regarding this on GitHub. And to be honest I only find some german language articles about this speaking of an announcement that signal don’t likes the idea enabling Chats with WhatsApp… so I assume this comes from Twitter.

          Like I said turn it of by default so that only people who activity made the decision can be chat with WhatsApp. Also showing a hint in the chat that this account is not on a signal server should also not be that hard to implement.